Please Give Mercy a New Ability Too

Penance is legit one of the most satisfying abilities to use in any game I’ve ever played lol

The sound effects + visuals :kissing: :pinched_fingers:


If healers in OW were as tanky as a WoW healer in full arena gear…

The salt would be glorious.


I enjoyed PoM for this reason too. That’d be nice here too.

Really, I just wish they didn’t screw up Disc or I’d probably still be playing that instead. :sob: Every time I quit WoW it was the disc priest that made me go back.

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Tbh Priest in general feels a little off this entire expac! I’m not a huge fan of the Shadow rework, Holy feels meh (Lots of Priest players apparently miss how it worked in MoP with Chakras and stuff which I never got to experience), etc.!

I am excited for Dragonflight though!

I agree Mercy could use some pepping up, but none of these suggestions appeal to me.
Maybe replace her staff punch with pistol fire to use it more conveniently between using the staff. That would greatly affect her playstyle I think.

MoP was the only time I played Holy. I can’t recall at which point of that xpac Disc became BLEH, but I couldn’t play disc in PvP. Shadow was absolutely trash in MoP.

I won’t be playing Dragonflight. I feel like every xpac is just the same crap with a new coating of paint, so I’m gonna save my money this time.

If they brought back BC - MoP PvP I might reconsider. (no, I don’t wanna play Classic lol)

Hope you enjoy it, though!

Mercy’s biggest problem is she has a huge ability (rez) that whilst is kinda boring to use, limits the design space for the rest of her kit due to rez having so much potential power during a fight…

Bap has a similar issue with immortality field… :thinking:

Rez is already enhanced during Valk by her increased (vertical and horizontal) movespeed and life regen even when under fire, basically, it’s easier to pull off… :wink:

Let mercy ult cast an aura around all teammates that make them invulnerable for 30 seconds

I have 3 proposed Ideas/Changes below the video. I really liked the ideas. Let me know what you think.

Here is video of my OW2 beta experience more or less to show my playstyle and where I am coming from. There are some other videos on channel after the superjump change and better resolution (kinda), but not all are “clean” like this one. I chaptered it, so that its easier navigate. Sorry for bad quality, I just started recording and was not familiar with bitrate at the time.

Three changes I would like (coming from my aggressive playstyle preference)

  1. Mercy’s pistol has a right click that when charged and hits an opponent it adds a 5 second debuff. Teammates heal and CAN gain 30-50 over heal based on a % of their damage done to that target.

Possibly depending on how long Mercy has charged her pistol, it may hit multiple enemies by virtue of piercing or a wider beam shot (projectile).

This would be an extra aid to a teammate that is about to dive a target and gives the pistol some uses pre fight without completely changing its functionality.

  1. Mercy often gets ult fast. If her ult is used before 100%, then allow Mercy to use 33% of her ult to dash 5-10 yards in any direction. The speed would be as if you GA’d to a nearby teammate.

This would be a cool dynamic movement and give Mercy the ability to actually catch dps off guard and kill targets when people want to 1V1 without being OP.

  1. Give Mercy the ability to store her hp in her staff up to 50 (maybe more?). While that hp is stored in the staff, it cannot be regained by healing until the stored healing is used.

This is interesting in a couple of ways. A requirement to only be able use the burst heal while targeting a teammate would be nice. So If your teammate dies and you still have stored hp, you cannot discharge the stored healing. Making you vulnerable in those situations if you’re too far in own your own with onw teammate and your teammate gets picked.

You could also make the hp unable to be restored for 5 seconds after it is discharged, so there is a trade off.

Yes which is why ever since the OW2 beta has come out, Aurora has been wanting them to replace rez with something else, and if they need to keep rez that badly to just keep inside valkyrie only some way

they never said it wasn’t enhanced, they said the new e ability that replaces rez turning into rez while in valkyrie would make sense as its upgrading the ability, if they’re that dead set on keeping rez

If the devs wanted to completely change her like Orisa and redefine who ‘Mercy’ is then I hope they lean into her “flying support” identity.

Staff mode:

  • Left click: Tethered healing
  • Right click: Flare - Mercy fires a ball of light that she can stop in mid-air, revealing any enemy nearby. She can fly to it like she would an ally.
  • E: A trail of light emits forward and explodes, knocking any enemy hit upwards and lowering their fall speed (so they float down slowly)
  • Shift: Immediately flies towards an ally. Healing output is increased for about two seconds before falling back to normal values
  • Q: The map gets a little bit brighter and Mercy’s allies get a fleet foot buff that gives them increased mobility. Allies with this buff can jump significantly higher (if they continue to hold jump) and move a bit faster. Her personal healing is always at the max level that GA would give. (Other changes in pistol mode section)
    Alternative Q: I always have to mention this because I loved it in Destiny 1 but this version gives Mercy her Valkyrie mode but she can also revive herself with this ult. This way Mercy is the only hero that can bring themselves back by entering this heightened state.

Pistol Mode:

  • Rightclick/E/Shift: Same as staff
  • Q: In Valkyrie mode, this changes her projectile rounds to a long range golden beam.

While I think resurrect is fine, it’s still fun playing with ideas for what to replace it with, or how to change it.

Spirit of the Fallen.
New E ability replacing Resurrection.
Healing or damage boosting charges this ability.
This charges quickly however as not to limit its use to the point of being ineffective.
Once active the ability is insta-cast. Short range only.
Mercy can cast on ANY dead target (enemy or her team).
When cast, a spirit of the fallen will appear matching the character whose fallen.
If it is a Tank or DPS, it will immediately move toward the enemy team and do aoe damage ability once it gets close enough. The more health it has when it arrives, the more damage it does. Tanks will do more damage because they have more health. DPS will do less damage but move faster.
If it is a Support it will heal anyone on Mercy’s team, even Mercy herself if she is isolated, and will try to stay in range of the team while active.
Spirits will persist for 10 seconds or until destroyed.

Or maybe the type of spirit and how it reacts is different for every character. Mercy would heal, Rein might charge in to close the distance. Reaper might teleport in. Things like that.

So it’s still a resurrect of sort. But not a resurrect. And serves more as an alternative way for Mercy to add DPS to the fight, without forcing her to stop healing or boosting.

i been pistol “valkyring” with mercy a lot more than usual, it reminds me that when they first installed/implemented valk her pistol was way stronger than now and they instant nerfed it. maybe bring that back? or maybe instead of using her pistol in valk have her staff become a weapon of holy destruction. like a holy laser that “almost” one shots?!!

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Here we go again, another thread about adding more abilities, instead of improving existing ones.

Just turn her into Necromancer already, with zombie versions of heroes.

If we are putting rez on ult and creating new abilities I’m voting for damage boost to be changed aa well - mostly because it causes issues with break points and that it’s a very dull ability with less skill expression than other support abilities.

this is known as attempted rank shaming

I find it to be rude and contemptible behavior myself

Rank in game has absolutely nothing to do with one’s forum presence

Actually, the person rank shamed me.

If they took what many consider the most fun part of another heroes kit and replaced it with literally crap, you would be pretty upset too. Would be the same as removing blade from Genji, and giving him a new wind up version that takes 1.5 seconds to cast and he can’t move while using it.

Valkryie is boring and Mercy deserves better.


It’s pointless to argue. People have it stuck in their heads, that “shooting enemies = fun”.

She’ll probably receive complete rework in wrong direction, if devs get to it. As she represents that “unfun” part of gameplay most players hate to deal with - where you do not have fast victories and lots of “pew-pew”, but difficulties of dealing with someone actively avoiding engagement with you.

I expect them to trash her healing(again), buff pistol and increase rez cooldown to 60 seconds, so no one ever uses it. So we have equivalent of flying drone with pistol every time someone uses Valkyrie, that is garbage at actually supporting teammates.

Usually because developers tend to listen to completely wrong category of players, and then suppress all negative feedback and claim, that everything is perfect.


I’ll take Caduceus Blast please.