Please FIX this TP glitch (video) it's easy!

I think the issue is TP destroys itself if it thinks it is going to lead outside the map (although I’ve seen instances where it doesn’t). What they have to code is something like this:

if TP leads to outside of map{
destory TP
refund cool down

Yes exactly, unfortunately they don’t have that last line in!

(IK its an oversimplification but still.)

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They only fix bugs that benefit Sym, not ones that detriment her.

Turret into wall? Emergency fix!

TP literally breaks itself for no reason with an easy fix as a gamebreaking gamelosing bug for Sym? crickets

Ugh TP being a normal ability rly made it ugly…

But it looks the same o.o

I mean it made the ability ugly 2 use

That’s such a ridiculous hyperbole. They gave her something in return. 140 dmg orbs. YOU ARE COMPLETELY IRRATIONAL SYM SCUM.

Jk #BuffSym

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Or they could revert her back to 2.0. Return of the Shield Generator :pray:

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Every Sym should be thankful our noskill ugly hero still exists and isn’t turned into a skin for a real hero. Amen.

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Turned into a skin? for who? the trashcan. If brig gets a GOAT skin, trash can needs a sym skin.

Not on the top priority list, understand.

It should be. It can literally lose the game for you and it’s a straightforward fix. It’s only not a top priority because it’s on an unpopular character, which is wrong.

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It’s funny cuz I’ve made 10 threads about this specific bug the first month Sym 3.0 came out. Yeah they don’t care. This isn’t a minor bug, if they couldn’t bother giving Sym 3.0 a properly functional kit, quite frankly they should have held off on the rework then until they could. Her key ability self destructs for god sake

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Sad but true. So many oversights.

Who cares about symm bugs, we need to stop characters like baptiste from spamming lamps on gibraltar so he can’t win games. :roll_eyes:

Things like dva spazzing when she gets caught in grav are still in the game after idk how many years.

This does happen to me a lot when I play Sym on maps like Volskaya, but I don’t think they would buff Tp in that way. I really wish they would, but sadly I don’t think Sym is going to get any good changes any time soon.


It’s not a buff though, it’s a to prevent the ability from just not working! They won’t take the time to actually fix the glitch so they should just have it refund the cooldown when it self destructs.

Coding is not easy, but it should be fix none the less.

Now that I actually think about it, it does seem more like a quality of life change. Sort of like the change to Sombra a while back where whenever she hacked health packs the cool down of hack was 4 seconds instead of 8.