Please Fix This Game

More like Comp is just a better matchmaker for most players.

And realistically only a tiny amount of players who aren’t already GM/Masters will become GM/Masters.

Try to win, sure, but realistically a the vast majority will win and lose about 50% of the time.

Just seems like you’re incapable of understanding the idea of playing a videogame for the enjoyment of it.

That the game can’t be fun unless that SR number is going up.

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Lol, Ok.

You tell me why 45million have quit the game then?

It has great lore and interesting heroes. It has its’ own unique playstyle and synergy.

What it lacks is consistency with new content (the primary killer of the game) and a wildly imbalanced and frustrating experience for the vast majority of those who pick it up (because they balance it for an E-Sport).


You still have yet to address why 45 million players quit.

Go ahead, I’m waiting.


LOl dps have tracer and echo and youre saying tanks to too much, when tanks are in one of the worst states they have ever been


It’s called playing other games. Even if the game is good, I don’t think someone would play the same game for 5 years in a row. It’s just natural for people to try other games

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Quick play matches pretty fast. We could have unranked mode for people who don’t want to try but still like the competitive ruleset.

If you aren’t happy you are losing don’t play comp

That’s the thing, it’s not about winning or losing, it’s about having matches where you have the potential to win or lose.

I.e. Avoiding landslides.

If both teams are trying, the matchmaker worked perfectly and they are at the ELO they belong, then half the players lose almost every game.

That said, that’s not an excuse to argue that hero usage variety isn’t important outside of the top 5% of players.

Anybody with that mindset, can quit.

You know a game can be centered around a competitive player base right? Like the game can still be casual but at the end of the day it’s all centered around being competitive. Why do you think that’s what the game mode is called. If no one ever got better at a competitive game then they would all quit naturally. That’s just how it is


In my opinion I feel like the balance should be centered around diamond, the middle of the ranks.

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They won’t. Renaming is easier than actual work.

Hero usage will always vary in lower ranks since everything can work since no one knows how to play the game properly like what

Back to the “let them eat cake” mentality huh?

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Diamond isn’t even the middle.

It’s the range between the top 15%, and the top 5%.

Of ranked.

Which would probably be even smaller if you factor in Quickplay.

This is a paradox since it’s bad game balance a clear reason why people stop playing this game, which makes queues longer. There are many other ways to make queues faster, just like making every flex win give you 4 tickets and not 6 tickets.

Well, power creep in this post is not used correctly, it’s more that the game is tuned up due to power creep existing. Most characters are way better than a while ago since those have gotten buff after buff. When all this buffs stack on a 6v6 environment the global damage and heals increase.

Yup, confirmed by the devs

Agree here too

I think that the problem with AoE healing is that it mainly does not require as much skill as direct heals, except on Lúcio. Brig does not have to pay atention on who to heal with her passive, Bap’s shift only requires to press a button and people around you already get healed with no skill, Bap’s primary fire can be missed and still heal the majority of it, etc… Lúcio at least has got to decide whether to use speed boost or heals, and a mistake can be fatal.

I don’t agree with this. The balance team has to make sure that things are balanced in high SR since the goal of the competitive mode is to get to the highest place. If the game is unbalanced, the ban system would only make some characters unplayable (literally) and this makes this game even more unbalanced since you can’t counter as well as without bans. The general competitive mindset must be focused on improving, but if you’re in high SR, matches depend more on what you pick than on how you play.

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Yeah. Fix this game by making tanks and brig more tanky. Focus on the casual crowd who have been ignored for the last few years.


So the game has gotta remain unbalanced, which is one of the reasons why people stop playing this game, in order for people to play tanks? There are many other ways to accomplish this that don’t make the game unfun

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Worst post ever. Nothing there is based on reality


I figure they can maximize hero usage variety in Diamond through Quickplay through balancing.

And use Hero Bans to increase hero usage variety in ELOs that restrict themselves to hard meta picks.

Respectfully, you have no idea what you’re talking about. As a guy who looked at all the options for about 600 hours.

After all that time I came up with maybe only 4 workable solutions, and 5v5 was probably one of the better ones.

So give us an angle then, please enlighten us

I can agree with that, that could probably work. Idk about the quick play part but sure.