Please Fix This Game


For starters let me just say that it is a bad idea to balance around low rank players you just can’t. Balancing around incompetent players just isn’t good. Example lower ranks think Brig, Sig and Orisa are bad because they are incompetent.

We have a good amount of topics to talk about so let’s get started

  1. Tanks being blatantly overpowered.

Let me just start by saying that keep buffing Hog isn’t the answer and he is the prime example of power creep. - is way too strong atm with all of that armour, mobility, DM, burst damge with micros and being way too good at everything. What I will say is I like that she has a high skill ceiling but being the best off tank for every main tank besides Sigma is just dumb.

Orisa - Boring just boring. Nothing engaging just playing behind a shield and shooting. Fortify is stupid and Halt is stupid. However blizzard has balanced it and she is no longer the major problem with double shield. That’s Sig and Bap

Reinhardt - Perfectly balanced however damage can be annoying but he has to make a decision to shield or shoot.

Roadhog - Obnoxious Damage and super hard to punish with 600HP and breather. Currently stronger than Giga Hog and still getting buffs.

Sigma - Way too much uptime and can do it all. Shield, Damage and peel all at the same time. Great damage and when he has a shield up and once you break that or he drops it he has grasp right after and then after that he has shield and same process over and over again and it’s more annoying if he has an Orisa.

Wrecking Ball -The doomfist of tanks but actually viable. Just moving CC lol.

Basically Tanks just do too much while alot of them being unengaging for some people atleast.

  1. Aoe Supports (Not Lucio)

Baptiste - Super High Aoe Healing along with super high damage and two ultimates. Immortality Field is broken.

Brigitte - Decent ranged healing, good aoe aura, CC and great peel. Very strong ultimate aka Raid Boss. Pack + inspire equals 70HPS.

Moira - All aoe healing or aoe damage. Aoe healing is the highest in the game and even if she isn’t meta she is very problematic. Damage orb is also the most frustrating thing to die to lol.

  1. High Skill heroes feeling unrewarding.

Heroes like Doomfist, Genji, Hanzo etc.

Why would anyone try to get good at these heroes just to now get rewarded? They simply shouldn’t and Doom and Genji mains have been proven time and time again that they should just play Tracer and Echo. You know skillful heroes that get rewarded. Ashe, Echo, Tracer and Widow are example of skillful heroes that do get rewarded. I get it Doom is problematic but we can fix that with a rework that keeps his skill ceiling very high along with rewarding him.

  1. Damage power creep

We need to tone down all of this damage.
Almost every dps and tank rn along with Bap does way too much damage. Sombra and Genji have good damage output and are fine when it comes to their damage. It’s just that all the other damage needs to be toned down along with tanks and supports. Hanzo should get a arrow speed revert but get 1 storm arrow taken away or damage revert back to 60. Other damage like Echo being Echo, Helix, Dyanmite, Flash and Fan and CC need to be brought down along with others.

  1. CC

Self explanatory CC just needs to be brought down. Chain CC just isn’t fun. Halt, Bash, Whipshot, Flash, Rock and Doom being doom just isn’t fun to face especially get chained CC.

  1. DLC heroes

Almost every DLC hero has been a total blowout. Ana and Ashe are the only ones liked and no the fourms are less than 5% of the community. Blizzard wants every hero to just do it all. Sigma, Baptiste, Brig and Orisa are just proof of this. Moira is just an boring and easy aoe healer.

Geoff Goodman needs to get his stuff together or get fired along with that whole team.

Overwatch will never fully die since it’s from blizzard but it will continue to decline as long as balance reminds as it is. Overwatch 2 better save this game.


Easy fix

  1. People who insist Tanks be balanced like they were previous to Role Queue, can quit. Fixing queue times is not optional.
    Whatever player loss they would suffer from “OP Tanks” is tiny compared to not fixing queue times.
  2. Powercreep is a vague concept, if anything the issue is burst damage, which should mostly be addressed in 5v5 by nerfing those specific heroes.
  3. CC is largely going to be addressed in OW2. In some way or another.
  4. Movement based heroes are largely constricted by too much CC and Peeling. Which should be greatly reduced for 5v5.
  5. AOE healing wouldn’t matter nearly as much if overall defences were lower. Healing in the medium term doesn’t matter if you are dead in the short term.
  6. Oh, and lastly trying to maintain a situation where high tier uses a wide variety of heroes, is mostly a lost cause. Devs should balance somewhere closer to Diamond, then have an improved ban system for +3500SR lobbies. The goal is the largest playerbase, not making the fewest amount of people happy with the game.

LOL tanks are so weak right now its not funny the last tank buff we got was 50 armor on winston… dps got 4 straight soldier buffs, cree buffs, sym buffs, pharah buffs

Hmmm… Im rather confused I must say.


True. Maybe is this

The apple is not that far from the tree lole

Which DLC? I’m assuming you mean the periodical heroes they’ve added through the years?

Tanks still do way too much and damage along with aoe healing needs to be toned down

Go play a MOBA then.

Fixing queue times is not optional.


I’m pretty sure you meant go play a fps. Queue times is no excuse for something to be OP. Tanks have historically been boring and OP outside of dive where they were fun and strong

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Insisting that they need to protect against 3-4 Tanks on a team, when there’s only 2 or 1 Tank maximum per team, is really not thinking much.

dude the thing is is that if tanks are all balanced then most likely barely anyone would want to play them because, example, roadhog would feel horrible to play, sigma will feel horrible to play, etc

and some dlc heroes besides ana and ashe were liked, just like how orisa is liked but noone wants to play her because they think she’s weak

this is a MOBA FPS game, it’s not supposed to be 100% balanced

maybe thinking that overwatch being an example of TRYING to be a balanced game and being competitive is wrong to begin with

i think this game was meant to be casual to begin with and if you sweat over it maybe its a bad thing =P

that image looks like something from the poughkeepsie tapes

They’ve spent 5 years balancing around <1% of their player base, for an E-Sport.

They’ve sold 50 million copies and average 5 million monthly logins.

A huge reason for this is because they make changes and balances that leave +80% of their player base unaffected (Bronze-Plat composing 85% of the player-base).

If the average player’s experience is getting farmed by Junkrat tires, or frag+mine combos, or a Doomfist rocket punch, or a Soldier helix, or a Hog hook (etc. etc.) then they will simply quit playing the game.

Which is exactly what has happened. No new content, no balances for the majority of the player-base.

You can make all the arguments you want about balancing around GM, but the fact remains they’ve done that for 5 years, and it is a large part of why the game is dying.


Hah, that’s not really true.

Tanking has gotten substantially worse for the bottom +80% of players with devs trying to clamp down on GOATs and DoubleBarrier.


The reason the game is dying is because all their big streamers are leaving because they didn’t balance around GM and OWL well enough. Low ranked players will always be farmed by things because they aren’t good and that’s quite simply it.

The first post has no likes and for a good reason.
I am proud of you, OW community.


That’s more to do with a lack of content, lack of streamer protections against stream sniping, and massive queue times.

Surprisingly, staring at a queue timer for 30 minutes between games, doesn’t make for a thrilling streamer schedule.

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Fluctuations and meta-shifts never really mattered in metal ranks.

If you have a crew who can run brawl, you’ll win alot more games than you’ll lose.

Rein still dominates the metal ranks. As does Zarya.

It’s one of the least organized and strategic comps you can run, and it’s why every metal rank player begs for Rein.

Subtle changes to anyone else don’t really matter.

Orisa has a below 1% pickrate. Sig is barely 2%.

Meanwhile Rein is still about 12%, because metal rank players demand him due to how easy he is to play around.

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They simply need to get better and if they don’t want to they can go play any other game mode besides the mode that says competitive. Competitive has become a joke because casuals and onetricks (Not mains) ruined it.

If they are truly trying to get better than they won’t care about balancing around GM and OWL