Please fix the smurfing problem

Smurfing has gone rampant in Korea.

Players buy bronze accounts to stomp low tier matches, then throw matches to derank back. Every match these smurfs play is just a bad match.

For those who haven’t played in Korea, please save the “There aren’t that many smurfs. You’re just bad” narrative.

We’ve got even tank smurfs now who throw as rein and stomp with fist. People in silver gold are just outright quitting the game because of the terrible match quality they’ve been getting. Making all heroes free just removed the last barrier that discouraged smurfing.

I’m honestly done playing this game until this gets sorted, too.

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Rule breakers are common in every region to be fair. Blizzard wants you to experience the terrible match and report the player afterwards. I rarely get notifications for those reports, but those with bigotry or threats get very quick responses from my experience.

Its every match on console. Silver-Gold.

Yeah, the decrease in match quality or rather the increase in toxicity within the community ruined this game for me. I’ve played for 7 years and never received a suspension once let alone a warning for toxic behavior. I stick to the rules and try to put in as much effort that my team does. I also purchased a few loot boxes back in the day and grab every battle pass since Overwatch 2’s release. I’ve also bought plenty of merchandise, more than whatever I spent in-game. You could say I’ve been an ideal customer for Blizzard. However, I’ve lost all interest in this game outside completing the battle pass each season. Nothing will change so all we can do is expect the worst.

It’s honestly shocking to me that this game is still running.

  • The moderation is terrible
  • There is zero customer support (meaning if you got unfairly banned, you can’t play a game you spend REAL MONEY on. Sounds like primo lawsuit material to me, guys).
  • Blizzard has a disgusting attitude of “diversity = cash” rather than “diversity = people”.
  • The matchmaking is terrible.
  • The buffs and nerfs are often senseless
  • The game changes mostly cater to the top 1% players, rather than the 99% majority.
  • There’s zero sociability anymore. In-game chat is completely dead lately, because of the insane level of report abuse from salty players and the insane new anti-profanity rules.
  • Tons of leavers / smurfs / throwers

I haven’t actually played the game in a few weeks now lol. It’s completely hostile to players these days. Blizzard can get bent.
I’m only on the forums right now because I don’t want to finish my uni work lmao. ‘Hey’ to all my fellow procrastinators. <3