Please fix the Colorblind Inconsistencies on Console Overwatch

I’d like to add on to both that when you have your ally color changed, tracers blinks and doomfists primary fire just don’t show, and thats quite hard to play with.

Colourblind mode has a bunch of issues on PC as well, I posted in the “bug report” forum about this a long while ago but it was ignore/lost.

Sometimes when I start a match my teammates will have the enemy colour for their names and chevrons…


Thats MY TEAM there with magenta identifiers instead of green. Talk about a confusing first fight!

Had a custom FFA game the other day, I was Junkrat and when I rip-tired I saw my OWN CHARACTER is “enemy colours” as was my trap.

Fix your damn game Blizz! How can such a BASIC THING be broken in such a dumb way???

I don’t suppose you have tested this? Just asking for an update on this is all.

Sorry, I got busy. I just tested this on Xbox.

With my colors on default, I got the normal, gold ring that shows when an objective was captured.

With my colors changed, there was no ring at all.

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Tested this on PC for you as well. Inconsistency confirmed; it works just fine on PC. I’ll include screenshots comparing the two and update the OP later.

I guess I never noticed most of these color changes on PC, because I use defaults for allies (only change color for enemy). It’s surprising to see things like the Lucio speed icon change, considering they were never team-colored in the first place.

I do know the Infra-sight color issue is something I reported when the colorblind settings were on PTR, and it was changed in a hotfix patch the next day. Maybe that hotfix just never got merged into the console branches.

OP has been updated to include this inconsistency now.


Not even colorblind, but I play on different settings just because cyan is more easily visible and recognizable as enemy for me. And honestly yeah the settings are functional at best and confusing to detrimental at worst. The Tracer and Doomfist gauges, the infra-sight and health packs, everything… just in general give console players some love.

Also maybe give us some compensation for having to wait a month for a new hero with no PTR.

I see there’s still bo reply from the devs on this one. Of course.

Honestly, I wouldn’t even mind the Consoles being a patch behind if it meant that they responded directly to the issues pertaining to the Console versions of the game and were accommodating specifically to the Console Platforms.


Let’s get these inconsistencies addressed, yeah?

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If I could heart this twice I would

Post-Storm Rising update, and none of them fixed.

Therefore, moving this thread up.
Just leaving this thread linked in here as well to prove that they have not been documented there either.

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I did test each of these following the update to make sure that the inconsistencies were still around by the way. So yeah, they are still true to this day as well.

they should at least say if they are aware of the issues.

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ikr? Even just having it documented within the known issues thread would suffice.

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Here’s holding out for hope they’ll notice meeeeeeeeeee er, this thread.

I’m really losing hope that they will ever fix this issue… Also, wouldn’t it be better if this thread was in Bug Reports?

It’s in there as well.