Please explain the logic with the 2 hour break between seasons

Why did you make this change without any communication as to why?

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What do you mean by this?

imo, even though I think they should be removed anyway, 2 hours off season surely means thereā€™s no point of Placement Matches for the next season.

Like, what on earth is gonna change in the space of 2 hours?


Because offseason sucks, and maybe they used it to give devs a holiday, but they just had a holiday.


Huh? Whered you hear thereā€™ll be only two hours of off season? And if itā€™s true they need to do away with off season altogether. It was already pointless- if itā€™s only two hours now, itā€™s a peetake.

because they listened to us saying that off season is boring

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Itā€™s a positive change in my opinion, the off season period has always been awkward to someone like me who plays with his friends, you donā€™t know what to do with the game anymore and play something else during it.

because its their game and they donā€™t have to explain anything to us lemmings.

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It was officially announced yesterday!

Continuing the discussion from Season 13 Ending Soon:

I donā€™t understand why they even decided to have a break in the first place. If youā€™re going to make it two hours, why not justā€¦ remove it altogether? :man_shrugging:

ā€œOh boy, Iā€™m really worn out from last season - I better go take a break before playing the next season.ā€ - noone


Bad attitude man. They made a game, doesnā€™t exempt them from doing dumb things.

I would say this is one of them- might as well just start the season straight away. A two hour break is just annoying.

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I myself donā€™t have any insider information to the off-season duration rule change.

Fun fact, the season break between seasons 1 and 2 was two weeks in length (and there was NO off-season mode), and between season 2 and 3 was a week in length.

again, its their game, we havenā€™t got shares in the company, nor does the money we use to buy the game allow us to have them change things to suit us.

Comp is broken, sr is broken, mmr is broken, half the toons are broken, but we still play it.

Whether its 2 hours, 2 days or 2 weeks, its not going to make a difference in where you place in the placements. We all end up 100+/- from where we left off from the prior season.

People whinge so much about anything, I am surprised they give any information at all.

Just play it for what it is, a troll on sr and exp play. Just be happy they do anything for us non t500 players.

It was changed? Thank god.

There are plenty of possible reasons. The most obvious to me is a technical reason. They wanted to get rid of off season based on user feedback - but reducing it to 0 might cause confusion. Do you get SR based on the season your game starts in or the season your game ends in?

By allowing 2 hours, there is a clear defining line between seasons - both for the players, and for the devs if they need it

Just keep calm and carry on!.

Yeah no. You can find it annoying all you want but they brought it down from the veru much pointless one week break to two days, now to two hours. If we continue butching hard enough weā€™ll get the break removed completely.

As you said placements make no difference and so they should just be removed. 13 seasons of pointless placement games, the veil has been lifted, they clearly agree with us since theyā€™ve changed the rules again but unfortunately they still havenā€™t done it quite right so we shall have to complain a bit more as tiresome as it is.

However Iā€™ll never just carry on.

@sam if they canā€™t program a line without needing a gap then I think we have bigger problems. Now that youā€™ve said it though Iā€™m worried that is the reason : s

100% agree with you.

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