I don’t reject the idea of any other kind of nerf to McCree. Just not this specific thing.
That’s not true. A lot of balance decisons are based on the fact that people are on the internet.
His flash is extremely broken. The range of it is broken. It’s not hard to McRightCick someone after flashing and confirming a kill. He’s not hard to play yet he gets way too much value. He’s basically like brig when first released
Latency and framerates are always hot topics. They make a difference, sure, but only when we get to extreme levels. Most people have good enough latency and framerates to play competitively. The real tragedy are people thinking that they are being held down just because they dont have 20 ping and 144hz. The biggest wake up call when I upgraded my hardware was realizing it absolutely made no difference in my performance from when I was playing at a steady 60 fps with a bit more latency. I aim the same, I perform the same, the game just looks smoother.
Not even remotely close. I think you just really hate McCree.
Thats why you don’t play close range DPS against McCree… I hate, hate, HATE, McCree but even I know this.
McCree is no where near as easy and broken as release Brig was, only one aspect of McCree’s it is low skill, Brig’s entire kit was.
I am basically comparing them in terms of
low skill = high reward
both heroes are low skill yet you do so much.
I mean no offense by this, but McCree on normal latency is absolutely nuts and is a near 100% kill confirmed once Flashbang hits.
30-40MS is the usual, common ping. Even 80-90. In those ranges, McCree still has a pretty confirmed kill after hitting someone with Flashbang. Keeping that simply because players with higher pings aren’t able to capitalize on it fully isn’t really a good reason to keep it.
It was either nerfing this or reverting his fire rate. Both of which would not favor people with high ping. I don’t think any balance changes keep players with high ping in mind because that isn’t an ideal situation to balance around.
Yeah I agree. 60 - 90 ping is fine for mccree. he’s hitscan.
try comparing doomfist from 20 ping to 60ping. it’s a huge difference because he’s all mobility.
My issue with Flashbang is that it’s inconsistent, both when I play as McCree and against. It hits when I’m miles away, yet somehow misses when I’m near it. There’s no telling when it’ll hit, what its proper range is, and even when you’re in it, it’ll still miss.
It’s a wonky, inconsistent ability. And for setting up confirmed kills, I really wish it would be consistent.
Facts. I’ve been hit by flash from like 5 meters away and i got video of it too lol
McCree is more than playable regardless of the stun duration.
its not the internet, its the servers.
Now we have to balance around latency?
Not to sound however you interpret this, but it’s honestly a you problem
Reduce stuns make the game vastly for every latency.
2018 in December, there was a Fiber cut in Texas that affected most of the Mid-South area. Players were complaining on the WoW Technical Support forums for a week before Blizzard looked further into it.
During this time, Blizzard asked everyone affected to reach out to their ISPs while they do some troubleshooting and working with ISPs from their end. This issue persisted for 3 months before it was resolved completely.
My ISP, during the issue, we called and spoke to a Level 3 Network Technician who set up a temporary route for traffic coming out of my house to help with the latency I was getting on World of Warcraft.
I am not saying that all ISPs are good or bad. I am not saying that you’re dead in the water; however, what I am saying, is it’s your ISPs problem and not Blizzard’s to balance around.
Gee, that would be great unless the internet spikes up go crazy and suddenly i’m moving in one place. Maybe I should just only play Torb and Sym since their turrets are server sided.
So, spend more money on a literal expansion that still won’t fix any latency issues.
Okay. Now this is ridiculous.
Best way to fix internet is hoping to god there’s an ISP that’s reliable and built a whole new tower nearby. Or, add new servers nearby to help connection issues.
My suggestion to help prevent internet issues is control bandwidth, use a LAN/ethernet cable, update router, check what ISP is great in your area when planning to switch, and just prevent any background downloads that may cause internet spikes.
I thought they were going to balance things like stun by making them harder to inflict (shorter range, smaller area) not reduce their duration even more. These stun durations are getting tediously small, it’s not enough time for them to land back on the ground after they jumped.
What’s the point in Brig stunning anyone? It’s hardly even worth the time that it takes to perform the bash animation which itself only deals 5 damage. Brig is a melee hero, she doesn’t exactly need to stun them so she can land melee hits.
Brig’s stun would be so short that it wouldn’t even slow the fire rate of many heroes as the recovery of their primary attack is longer than the recovery from the stun.
Like junkrat, shoots a grenade at the same moment as being stunned by Brig, stunned for 0.65sec but Junkrat has a 0.66 sec before he can shoot his next grenade. Fires his next grenade with no interruption in fire rate.
Do you really think 60 latency is high?