I know this is an uncommon opinion as everyone is always talking about the meta and how blizzard should and shouldn’t influence it, but everyone is leading towards limiting the heroes played. Example: People wanted hero bans so they could “ban out” the meta and now there are going to be hero pools that are supposed to do the same thing by getting rid of highly picked characters. The meta used to be natural and mostly uncontrolled. I am not saying this was great, because it was very stagnant and the meta HAD to be played. I think something does need to be put in place, but completely removing the hero from the game for 1 match or 1 week is just insane. If overwatch had 100 heroes then this wouldn’t matter too much but there isn’t. I know blizzard isn’t against one-tricks but it doesn’t completely agree with them either, but the fact is there are one-tricks and there always will be. Banning them will cause them to dodge and there will probably be weeks where they don’t play at all if they get banned on the rotation/pool. I haven’t spoken on any other updates/patches, but the only one that got close to as limitational as this is the 2-2-2. I didn’t enjoy not being able to play outside of the box comps but it really fixed the problem of 6dps. Limiting heroes, on the other hand, is completely unhealthy and I think it will have a worse outcome than positive.
Besides that, thank you for listening to the community more, for constantly updating and doing your best even when there are conflicting opinions, and there have been really good updates overall. Thank you very much blizzard.
I do realize that these limits are for comp only, and this might be a personal thing, but I spend 90%+ of my time playing comp over anything else. I am low-plat so it isn’t the most competitive elo.
My only issue is if I’m a support being crapped on by flankers, Brigitte is very useful then, and others feel futile.
See also enemy sniper pubstompers, not many options available for support players.
This would be their way of rotating the meta more. Not just for support. Ex: If Mcree isn’t selectable, than tracer will probably be picked more and may or may not become a meta pick.
That’s fine, but I’m not worrying about “the meta” when I only have one tool available for certain matches, and it’s locked out. 2-2-2 lock combined with a Brigitte ban, or a Zen/Baptiste ban can royally screw me over if the enemy has the sense to run dive, or Pharah.
I am mixing between the meta and counter-picks. They are similar in a way. I agree though, they are limiting your options even more by doing this and it is hard for counter-play.
Depending on which you find worse: the onetrick who just sticks to his hero and never switches, or the onetrick branching out and being bad with an unfamiliar hero?
The number of our encounters with both scenarios will still change.
I strongly agree with OG. I also dont like what 2-2-2 did to the game, it was the first change that lead to me playing quite a bit less OW.
And now hero pools just goes even further down that path. The main issue is that it greatly limits your ability to counter-pick the enemy heroes which is like a core idea of the game! Essentially it’s like OW just had less heroes which is the opposite of what everyone wants.
The one-trick thing is just a side effect, they might be annoying that they were never a game-breakimg issue and they are certainly not worth implementing such severe limitations.
Imo hero pools and 2-2-2 for that matter would be unnecessary if the game balanced more frequently and with more radical nerfs/buffs for heroes who always/never get picked. That way the meta wouldnt be stale anymore and that’s what this is ultimately all about right?