Please dont go 1-2-2

Hmm… I guess i just don’t buy into the Forums are negative biased as easily. In my experience, while it is Support heavy, it seems rather neutral in terms of tank play overall.

The Reaper changes were just nutty, I mean nutty. I think he needs work, but reducing the damage down was just I think a fear response after the absurd life stealing he had not too long ago.

If you feel like that’s the case, you can always check the thread again and compare negative feedback to positive one, and how in-depth they go.

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Ah yes - I recall that post because I made it. To my surprise, others however quite liked it, and again as I tracked it, it was very even in the responses after the first few days.

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I will never solo tank, tanking is punishing as is. I’d rather stick to dps and support then. Imagine how your team would react if you pick a non-shield character like Zarya, DVA or Hog, they’d probably lose their minds.

Lol you made that post? O:

It’s interesting to see this post:

9 posts and he nails priority queueing and 5v5.


Yes, Superball is my main account. I have no issue with 5 v 5, I just don’t see a need to put all the play on one tank’s back and then tied up one support trying to keep it alive. That’s how those games went. Now perhaps in a 1-2-2 its not as big a problem, we will see.

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Some comps may benefit from an extra healing rather than staying behind a shield. Some comps may benefit from cleansing rather than staying behind a shield.

I feel there’s gonna be a market for different strats given it’s more prone to rock-paper-scissors, but I could be wrong.

What’s interesting to me is that we have yet to even see an attempt at a 1-2-2 with the “super-tanks” again… its curious esp. as it would seem to help the problematic DPS queue times.

This is the one thing I think the OW team is not doing good enough. But then again imagine getting an onslaught of bad feedback when you know your dps, supports and tanks are fine tuned in OW2 so they can’t exactly replicate it.

Plus, I don’t even think they’ve balanced 1-2-2 yet to their internal liking, since even the rein changes were not set in stone according to Jeff himself in the blizzconline vid.

Still… its would be easy just to try it. I mean, literally, what’s the harm? Just say buff the tanks a touch, and run with it. I doubt it would take any time to set it up.

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That’s the thing, since they’ve done weird (yet fun) stuff on the experimental, but also changes that they literally pushed live, the community is just watching with a lack of trust to whatever they put there. I agree with you, but the fact they used exp to push wild ideas and real patches alike makes us feel uneasy.

Well, that one is on the community then. The whole point of XP is a “What-if” scenario - you buy the ticket, take the ride, and go home again. Nothing lost.

I don’t want to wait 10 minutes to play a 15 minute game.

Awful awful ratio for a multiplayer game.