Please don't announce your Ult Status Over and Over and Over

I was playing this QP game last night, and this teammate playing Bastion kept announcing his Ult status over and over and over and over…

Drove me nuts! I tried “Squelch chat” but that didnt mute those announcements for some reason.

Anyone else get absolutely livid from this?

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It’s a keybind that can easily be pressed accidentally, especially in hectic situations. Stop getting triggered by benign things.


… no.


Yeah, stop communicating in a team-based game. Don’t give any info to your teammates.


I mean, people turn off chat a lot.

Imo, even for teammwork, half the time these ults dont really need announcing, like wow Bastion’s artillery mode is almost ready? … Ok.


Thats what i am saying!

And he was announcing almost every “10%”, “…10%”, “…20%”, “…30%”, “…50%”, “…70%”, etc.

Imo, u should announce it if its almost ready or it is ready. Anymore more than that is an accidently announcement and/or just spamming.


Can’t you squelch them?

either way this isn’t something that should possibly end up someone permanently losing their account over. :person_shrugging:


I only announce my ult charge if it’s at 69%.


Anyone who spams constantly is annoying. I haven’t run into anyone who spams ult status but it could be annoying.

They’re probably trying to let everyone know so that the group tell them when their ult is ready. Also to collaborate ults??


If it was on console I bet they were asking for healing and miss-clicked.

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I sometimes intentionally hit it multiple times in a row if I’m looking to coordinate with another teammate, usually if they have an ult coming up / have it ready.

I wouldn’t say I spam it. And I love it when I get others who hit “understood” and try to work together after.


Wouldn’t say it makes me livid, that’s a bit much, but literally ANY form of voiceline spam annoys me, so I would def have been avoiding that player as teammate.


I’d rather they say that instead of the constant, beep beep, an dey say and boop spam.

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It’s not something that angers me. Typically I see it used to communicate “I’m going to use this ult really soon”, like say your Reinhardt is pushing in aggressively and spamming his Earthshatter status, you can expect him to ult and can plan out how you wanna follow up on that play.

The only spam ping that bugs me even slightly is the sarcastic “Thanks!” that floods the chat after someone overextended dies. Maybe it means “thanks for not following me into the enemy spawn and giving them two picks instead of one”?


I get more annoyed when I’m on tank and an Ana pings at me specifically, at least twice so I know it probably isn’t an accident, that her Nano is ready. So I head in and start playing a bit more aggressively and getting into position to use my ult or something, thinking she’s going to nano me, right? Isn’t that our plan?

Apparently it isn’t. Nothing. No nano for anyone. Everyone dies


It’s a pretty standard thing to do when they’re trying to say “I’m gonna try to kill 'em” without typing. Or they’re doing it to see if anyone can set up a combo, like with Zarya or Sigma.

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If someone is spamming it then they’re probably trying to tell everyone they are about to use their ult. Unless they don’t, in which case they probably saw something that prevented them from ulting in the first place.

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most people know what tf they are doing, they are being a troll and they know it.

Almost all of the “call-outs” are useless troll-trash used by grumpy gamers that want to spam stuff to feel good about themselves for annoying others.

If you have an emergency, then call it out ONCE.

1 ) "Group up with me". - Nobody cares. If people are not grouping up with “you” its probably because “you” are feeding.

2 ) My ultimate is X" - Thats nice. I trust you will use it at the appropriate time.

3 ) “i need healing” - Supports said they are NOT ‘healbots’. If they aren’t healing. They do not care. Blizzard seams to not care. so stop spamming it.

4 ) ping ping ping ping, tracer tracer tracer… genji here, genji there… Yeah we know already. Its a flanker. deal with yourself. In 2 seconds they will be infront of you, and in 1.5 seconds they will be behind us and back again.

Common Sense gaming is lacking. Spamming about it in-game, is just being a troll.

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