Please Don,t make mercy look Dirty in any manner

I think the Devilbskins are some if the lesser attractive skins she has. Witch and Winged victory she looks really good in.


Mercy is a giant meme when you think about it, because shes a pacifistic from Switzerland, and in the World Wars, Switzerland was always neutral, but just like mercys who’s not a real pacifist, Switzerland wasnt really as neutral as they appeared and benefited from stolen goods being deposited in banks constantly.

She already has a devil skin so she isn’t very angelic lol.

Imp is one of her best skins really after Combat Medic and just above Winged Victory.

What does it matter? So long as she’s not overly sexualized all is well. Is just gam, y u hev 2 be maed?

Uhm… they do? Each character has his own individual personality, manifested in the hero both externally and internally. And i think Blizzard know their characters.

cough cough cough


I mean… normally people want more fan service, and if they prefer it not to be there they just go with it because well this is a game rated for teens and not family friendly.

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And it’s exactly why OP is right. Sexy stuff just don’t match the character. I have the same issue with her “someone call the whambulance” voice line. Mercy wouldn’t say it. Sombra, yes. But Mercy is good, nice person.
I don’t personally find the Imp skin sexy though. Very pretty, but not really “dirty”.

Nice doesn’t exclude sarcasm or being cheeky.
If we take a look at the witch costume, we can definitely assume that she likes to dress sexy, but classy

No, Mercy is not sarcastic. She shouldn’t get the voice line. Moira, Sombra, Tracer etc. That would work. When Mercy says it… It’s fake and forced.
You’re right about the witch skin.


She’s an adult woman

I’m pretty sure it was the head of the lore department or something like that who stated that all in game voice lines from QP or COMP and what not are none canon.

The Anniversary is a time to enjoy the time we’ve had with the game and have fun with stuff, and thats why the voice lines we get from the event are are some what meta, as Widow has a voice line that says ‘‘Whats an aimbot?’’ as a joke towards the use of calling Widow players out for ‘‘having’’ aimbot’’. The list could go on, as we have Soldier reference The Dark Knight film, or Zarya making a reference to the old DragonBall Z dubs with here ‘‘Plenty of juice’’ VL.

Point is that VC will not always 100% be what a character would say so get over it.

Do not turn safe search off when looking at Mercy fanart or SFM.

youre right? stop making content and fix the game

You’re right she’s already making me act up, something needs to be done !:rage:

Does it even matter? Most males probably play Mercy because she is hot.

Considering you have 0 posts its probably bait.

It’s not bait


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You do know that that dark corner of the Internet has already accomplished that more times than you can count.

That dude looks so BA that I just cannot imagine him going around pocketing his significant other lmao