✅ Please do in-game polls. Please leave Triple Damage for longer than a week. Please make a workshop code for it after it's gone!

Because queue times would be infinitely worse than they are now and it skews data for hero balancing, and it makes picking up talent for OWL harder. So it’s not happening.

Not if the ones who play Competitive Classic are mostly your excess Damage players.

Further elaboration needed.

Further elaboration needed.

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Because the way you balance for 222 is different then just random, which is what your comp classic is. Random. You can’t balance random.

If talent is in one comp but not the other it’ll be hard to gauge how good they really are.

I see no evidence that Competitive Classic is entirely “random” - otherwise none of the balance changes prior to Role Queue would’ve made any sense to release.

Indeed, the way you balance for each mode may be different.

Then just take the talent from whatever version of Competitive that you use for OWL.

Except that no one ever was happy with balance changes. It’s harder to balance for every possible combination of heroes than it is when there’s a limit. Hence 222.

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I love 1-3-2. Lets keep it!


wins match 5 stars best mode ever
loses match 1 star worst mode ever

Which is why they’d have to play a number of games before voting.

Also, if players choose to vote in that way we can’t stop them. At least their voice gets heard regardless of the reasoning.

In the same way that people in a democracy often vote with poor reasoning behind their choice doesn’t mean we should take away their vote.

Also people who vote because they won would be balanced out by people who vote because they lost so it would average out.

This statement is incorrect. I was relatively happy with the balance prior to Role Queue. I preferred the balance state of the game back then.

What you’re trying to do is appeal to perfection which is a fallacy. Just because perfection isn’t achievable doing something doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it.

It may be harder to do it - that doesn’t mean that Competitive Classic is completely random and that you can’t try to balance it.

Jeff also said that 2-2-2 doesn’t make it easier to balance the game. The fact that people right now are still not happy with the balance, and that they’re having to introduce hero pools and more aggressive patching suggests he was right.

If your argument is that “no one was happy” which suggests that you want everyone to be happy - then that applies equally to Role Queue. There are plenty of people who are unhappy right now.

Don’t you want them to be happy?

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You are the minority. If you weren’t 222 wouldn’t have been implemented to begin with, but it was and for good reason.

It’s not about perfection, it’s about what’s easier for the devs to free up their resources to focus on other things.

No valid data for that - but even if we do believe your data, this “minority” is at least a third of the playerbase - far too large to ignore.

Add Competitive Classic with no additional changes then - this is very easy to do.

Kaplan specifically said that 2-2-2 doesn’t make the game easier to balance.

Major experiments should last a month at least. If they actually wanted to test queue times then they need to wait until the honeymoon is over and people adjust. I’m pretty sure being seasoned online game developers they should know how people react to new content, specifically during a content drought as we are in currently.

You can cry for it all you like, but it will not happen. There will only ever be one main competitive mode. It’s live now. Accept it or move on to a different game.

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You have no way of knowing this - considering that they’re trying new things out to resolve the queue times there is every possibility that Competitive Classic will happen.

In the same way that players were vocal to get Role Queue implemented in the first place, we’ll be vocal to get our freedom back. Deal with it.

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They can try new things, of that I have no doubt, but again they will not have 2 main comp modes. At most they can do event comps like TDM or DM, or CTF. But it’ll never be permanent.

It could be one mode, though.
If queue are really long on one or multiple roles, they could matchmake a classic comp game with the players stuck in line.
And there would be an option so the game doesn’t matchmake you into one of those games if you don’t want to.

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It’s still close to two modes, mostly because of timing and stuff. They can try to experiment the concept, but I think it may cause some sort of coding issue.

Forums are just a shouting match. Get real data!!! All we are proving is just whom is more into posting on a forum with nothing real behind it. Vocal minority is a real thing.

Also even play data is a little bit skewed as people like me only play something that has some sort of visible display of progress (or lack there of) such as SR. In-gaming voting is the only way to collect this data fairly.

And every day I play 2-2-2 I have at least one game where I wish I could change roles because the current people in a role can’t do their part to solve the teams issue at hand. Which 132 doesn’t fix but at least I can play in a format that I honestly think the game should have been designed around in the first place. I wouldn’t mind seeing solo tanks buffed more as well in this mode.

On a side note does it feel like the quote from the OP is totally got blinders on (was that Jeff saying that?). There was a HUGE outcry at 2-2-2 (and continues to be) yet he said it was a huge success? Did he NOT visit the forums until now?

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Competitive Classic doesn’t have to be a “main” mode - it just needs to be clearly displayed as an option when queueing for Competitive alongside Role Queue.

All official tournaments can still be played by Role Queue rules hence Role Queue can still be the main/officially sanctioned mode.

I mean, that’s not an experiment when it’s existed for basically every season but that last few. That’s not the point of the experimental card lol

As for bringing it back into the game (or adding 1-2-3 as a separate competitive mode,) it’s unlikely they’ll split the player base like that.

They already split the playerbase with forced 2-2-2.