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Im master/low gm . Of course when you are low you have to carry dead weight

Because unlike your job theirs requires aiming and hitting a moving target that can move very unpredictably.

Not sure why you think you holding a button allows you to judge them.

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Mercy isn’t a great carry hero…

ML7 playing Mercy in gold was painful to watch. Clearly has GM skills, but her kit so limited he couldn’t carry his first game with her. He worked out he’d need to get 3+ elims every valk to carry.

Saw another vid with a GM smurfing Mercy in bronze. 80% win rate. Pathetic when playing 2.5k+ sr under real level. But shows just how limited and team dependent she is.

If your dps are no good, you need to try Zen or another aggro dps.

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I get more essential kills as Sombra and Symm than they do with their meta dps.

Also, just because i don’t have to aim as Mercy doesn’t mean i can’t aim. Also, playing dps is way easier than playing healer.

All you gotta think of when playing dps, is tk get the freaking picks so the team can win.

You get healed by your suppors, shielded and peeled by your tanks, all you gotta do is shoot. So why can’t you evem do that?

I know this soooo well. I also figured that i have to get at least 1 kill and 1 rez off duribg valk so my team doesn’t mess up, even when we have the number advantage.

Today i had a game where my Hog hooked the enemy Orisa, who then got naded by our Ana. And all i see is Orisa happily walking back to her team, without anyone trying to kill her, so naturalluly i whipped oit my pistol and killed her. Then i superjump rezzed my trash Genji, because he had ult and could finally be useful once every 2 minutes.

I pocketed his ult and we barely won.

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You can always climb a mountain.

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