Please delete this topic it's been hijacked

So basically 4 out of the 6 individually dipped right after the end.

Edit: The plot thickens…

but on a serious note, Snipers are irritating in any fps always will be. and I think paladin has one shot mechanics


I think you’re just false quoting me.

Anyway, I think Ashe is the ideal Sniper,

and BOB is the ideal hero.

Yeah. Look up the LFG complaints on the forums. That is usually one of the main ones.

So basically they leave everytime they lose?

Some people do, some dont. No one is the same. We arent manufactured of some assembly line XD

EDIT: Did you do something with your post Omni? I tried quoting it and a red flag error came up

But trends are apparent, do people usually just leave after losing one game?

Usually yes. They think their stranger is garbage and leave to find a new group

4 Of them? Quite possibly all of them considering the match just ended.


What part is confusing? I feel like there is a miscommunication somewhere.

Did you just use me as an escape goat to assume his gender :question:mark?

Wtf happened to my thread, this is all so random

That around 3 or more people would leave every group they’re in, instead of the fact that you’re not usually facing 6 - stacks.

BootLoxes happened… they came in and challenged another user to a fight to the death

This is meaningful and analyse heavy conversation, excuse you. :rage:

It depends on how poorly and how much of the team performed that poorly. If the game was absolutely terrible, and people are super salty, I leave. If it was alright but they team is communicating and chill, I’ll stay.

That would be me