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Just take some time off. I used to bounce around ~1000SR regularly (3400-2400) until I realized you just need to take a week or two off and ‘reset’ and it will be fine. It’s even easier to do with role Q now, whereas before you’d have to buy another account.

Welcome to the club. I was Plat and maintained it for plenty of seasons until role queue. Role queue came and basically been having the same thing. Dropped to silver and can’t even get back to gold. Only difference is I am dps not support and even at least 95% of the time pre-role queue I dps’ed.

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I meant time off from whatever your role of choice was that you sunk on. Switch it up a bit and play some of the other two roles. Getting more experience with them only helps to improve your play in your primary role anyways.

It should be less frustrating as well since losing doesn’t hurt as much in off-roles.

But anyways, just telling you what works for me. If you’re not enjoying yourself your play suffers, and it snowballs from there, that’s just a fact. I’m sure there are other methods to get off tilt if you look for them.

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post a vod 10 characters

I stream every day, same name as battle tag

Ya that happens alot to players unfortunately… people has a drop in their sr every now and then, just don’t let it get to you relax and take a break , come back with a clear look and then get back to it.

Damn he really wants viewers hm?


As much as i hate this answer…i was told that in order to go up as suport u have to pretty much go dps suport…its stupid…but it aparently is the only way the smurfs are ranking up on suport (basicly have to dps more then heal … (it paind me to say that each time))

That and if somone is picking u out all the time either A they notice u as the best player…or B they could be stream sniping u. Just a couple thoughts

Been watching a lot of ML7 unranked to gm for each support, highly recommend, and this comes up a lot. Flank nades on Ana, valk over enemy team and pick their supports, etc.

Be. Aggressive. Be be aggressive. Not tunnel dps obviously, but you can’t be passive and climb.

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This if your first season. It is highly likely that you were placed too high initially. Once you start winning 50% of your games you are probably about where you should be.

If you really want to learn how to play support watch Blinky_plz on twitch. He is a GM support and it is eye opening how you have to play to be GM. Blinky also did a placements to GM stream trying to only heal. He did get to masters but not GM.

from 2500 to 2000 here, healer too, i dont know what to do.

You can definitely get more viewers on fortnite and escape from tarkov as far as games go.

But If you like overwatch just watch pro healers and try to improve.

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