Please change ranked system

Blizzard please don’t invent the wheel with the ranking system. The system like league of legends would work best in this game.
It’s good that there is divisions now, but the ranking system overall is just as bad as it can get.
I don’t even understand why you thought the system can say who belongs where. I just don’t get it.
Any algorithm will always be unfair for someone. It’s just imposible to have perfect alogirthm for that. There will always be exceptions and you have no feeling that you control your own destiny.
You just play games and hope the system will think you are good enought to climb. It’s just bad. I want feeling of grinding, that is transparent and fair in all aspects.
The matchmaking should never have any predictions and system should never decide who is who in competetive gaming. You belong to the gold 1 division, you play with people in gold 1 division. You win you gain, you loose you loose. Is that simple.
Only calculation could be how much points you gain when you win comparing by your performance in that match, that’s it. All your tries of different matchmaking always went bad.
I do remember one with winning and loosing streak in ow 1, that one was the worst one. Why you think now it’s different? If you try to make some calculation in matchmaking it will always be unfair to someone.
If you put better players in one team it will be unfair to the enemy team. If you try to balance in a way that you put better players in different teams it will be unfair for those 2 players because now they have to hard try to win.
And now instead of pure random you have a situation when better players have harder time to climb and so they stay in lower rank and have to ruin matchmaking for others that are in rank they deserve. Same goes if you should be lower than you are. Any precalculation will be unfair for someone, only calculation that is fair is how much you gain when you win, thats all. And maybe not put 2 people with same one trick hero.

Now this system is the worst of the worst because not that people can’t climb because the system decides where they belong but others cant go down too which is even worse because you need to loose 20 games and at the end system will still decide that you good enough!
And on top of that you remove any feeling of grinding your rank so people just loose reason to play because the system will decide anyway.
I just don’t get it why you did that.
I wanted 5v5 from the beginning, you can find my comment about that in 2020 (Welcome to Season 21 of Competitive Play - #35 by Borlay-2480) and this ranked system just ruined any enjoyment. Not saying it’s the only one issue and after changing it everything will be fine, but at the moment it’s probably the biggest one.

There is simple rule if it’s sounds bad it means it is bad. The fact that you don’t say publicly how that system works just shows that it sounds bad. Please stop this madness and stop deciding who should play with who and who belongs where. People want transparency, fairness and control their own destiny.

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