It’s ridiculous that this skill has still not been nerfed. The only time I play mercy ever is if I get her in mystery heroes and people can still barely touch me, that’s just how op it is.
You have to be kidding me…
Let’s not nerf mercy. Kthnx
people want guardian angel nerfed too? mercy just cant win
Mercy is the most balanced hero in the game right now. Don’t touch her.
“People playing in a mode where people usually are playing heroes they’re not familiar with can barely damage me!!!”
Guardian angel is fine. If Mercy is jumping from person to person she’s getting less heals off at that moment. If people are close together it means that she won’t be so evasive that you can’t hit her.
It’s 1.5 seconds right now, not 2. And it definitely doesn’t need to be increased.
You base how overpowered a character is on how you do with them in an arcade mode?
Take her to comp and try her out there and see if you still feel the same after 15 or so games of playing her.
Please learn to aim.
That’s why divers exist… Tracer and can both keep up with her and even Winston and Genji can deal with her pretty easily…
its literally a zero damage ability with a limited range and is tied down to teammates
Why? Mercy is perfectly balanced. She heals decent and is very slippery.
It’s ridicolous that someone has only opened this thread.
While we’re at it let’s get rid of her legs. She doesn’t need them.
Only if she can fly all the time
By Jove, Mercy nerf thread never stop do they?
Frankly, fork off.
Yeah, because Mercy totally needs to sit like a turd in the middle of the red team.
LMAO, nerfing a hero that dosent do any damage unless they threaten their teamates and you wanna nerf her ONLY MOVEMENT!?
It’s actually 1.5 seconds according to the wiki:
I’ll assume it still says 2 seconds because of rounding up.
Why would you want Mercy’s cooldown to be more than doubled? Mobility is how Mercy defends herself.