Please Buff Roadhog

Roadhog is still in such a bad place, even after that ‘hook rework’. The hook feels so off now; the speed is different, it still breaks even after you land it (if you can ever freaking land it), and his damage output is adorable when compared to that of most of the DPS roster. Even his ultimate, his ultimate, barely does anything anymore.

He lacks damage, he lacks a good hook, he lacks a damage-dealing ultimate, he overall lacks a reason to be in the game.


This isn’t the buff I wanted. I want big macho muscles Roadhog who heals with the power of protein shakes.

I keep seeing people say this, but it’s rare that I don’t have gold elims/damage when I play Hog. The hook is still almost always a guaranteed kill if you pull people near your team. Flank Hog doesn’t work anymore, but that was an intentional change. His ult is mostly about displacing people but still has tons of damage potential at very close range or when used with the right geography. I think he’s great. :man_shrugging:


Well he’s not a DPS so maybe start there

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he is immortal below diamond, because people don’t know how to play ana/sombra/hitscan

they would need to rework him and not buff him

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If Moira can be so can Roadhog.

Actual stats across the whole playerbase disagree. You are playing against potatoes

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I play in GM (haven’t placed yet this season). Had 70%+ win percentage on him in the few recent seasons. You’re right that my experiences aren’t always comparable to the whole player base, but I don’t play against potatoes.

Your enemies enjoyed the free ult then

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Must not have been enough to win them the game, clearly. My supports and I get ult charge for healing me, too.

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I played hog two games ago and i destroyed enemy team coz i landed my hooks and had spicy displacements ults. I think he is fine he could use a buff to his heal thing is the only thing i can think about that would make pretty good

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Still, better than the previous hook

That… Doesn’t mean it’s bad? Get used to it

That’s your own problem. If you can’t land it then it’s not Roadhog needing a buff.

He is not a DPS, so, yeah, his damage should be like that, just like all other tanks.

Disagree, used in the right place, it can do a lot of damage or even push many enemies off the map. Like all ultimates, you can just use it whenever and wherever you want and expect it to wipe off the enemy team

No, maybe (but the current one is not as bad as you make it sound), no, and no. If you want all that in a hero, don’t play roadhog


I would love a change to the pellets pattern so it doestn look like a firework past 2 meters

I agree. He needs damage back.

Smh all these people saying he doesn’t need it. His design is centered around being high damage low defense.

You can keep giving him worthless defense buffs all you want, but Hog will never be viable unless he gets his damage back and his healing ability damage reduction removed.

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what on earth are you talking about the damage reduction in his heal is one of the most valuable parts of his kit right now

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And yet its on a 8 something cooldown and is only used as an escape tool.

In the grand scheme of things, its a glorified stall tool and D.VA bomb repllent and nothing more.

It goes against his core design. Its why hes so terrible right now because he really shouldn’t be a defensive tank. He needs damage.

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Hook is not part of his problem. Hog will forever be a throw pick until he gets a damage buff to be able to actually consistently one-shot at least some heroes. He’s a joke.

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Roadhog should be able to heal by shoving a “take a breather” up his teammates butt.

I feel like if they buff Orisa, Roadhog would be good too.

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Have anyone tried the recently buffed wholehog?

Its a huge buff for his ultimate. Now that is DISRUPTION