It does not feel fun to have to wait 7 matches (obviously more than 7 if you lose some). It only feels exhausting.
If the goal of this new system is to not show SR drop after a loss, at least give us the option to look at our SR later in the game. Either in ‘View Profile’ or any other place.
Rank games are already sometimes very stressful. And not being able to see your progress or having to wait over and over for 7 wins is even more stressful.
The solution from a player perspective, honestly, is to stop playing in protest. I’m guilty too, I find it frustrating to not see the constant SR update and I have no idea why they’ve chosen 7 (I guess Blizzard hires psychologists and not game designers these days and they figured Miller’s Law was good here for some reason).
Unfortunately, there will never be enough players that quit for this reason to warrant a response from Blizzard. The game is free to play now so player retention isn’t as much of a concern because accessibility is higher than OW1 meaning player numbers are much more likely to increase on average.
I’m pretty close to quitting tbh. With the blatantly broken match making, ignoring hero balance, and lack of any response to issues that are constantly raised, I’m almost at the breaking point where I’ll be happy to ditch this game entirely.
Blizz took their engagement endeavors too far and it backfired. Thus many players have already left. And many more like myself are down to playing one role per season.
Nothing like grinding out 7 wins only to see you not climb or move up one spot. Takes the wind out of me and not want to play sometimes.