i miss it SO MUCH. i main support and whenever i queue MH, i very rarely get support i rarely get tanks and dps i enjoy either, getting a select few heroes WAY more often than i get anyone else (sym, mei)
No thanks.
I preferred the original wild west of mystery heroes where you could end up on a team made entirely of a single role. 3 limit on a role is fine, i guess. But mh is at it’s best with completely random role spread.
I remember some ow1 mystery heroes where my team walked out on 5 bastions and a mercy on night market.
Rq mystery heroes might benefit frome removing dupes, but they are an integral part of oq mystery tactics.
This was my opinion when they replaced the oq with rq.
In my opinion they ruined my only way of learning and playing dps heroes without feeling like i was throwing.
Queueing dps for me (even on rq mystery) was throwing because everyone else queueing for the role were mostly dps mains. I was vocally blamed for throwing and trolling on the mode.
In oq, no one can blame me for getting a dps hero. It’s much more relaxed to me and less salty with less blame game, because most times it’s literally out of your hands if you lose.
In rq mh, it was the same as in worst qp rq games. “Never play dps again”, “uninstall”, “reported for throwing”.
And many worse comments.
I am so happy that the mode i’ve played the most of in the last 8 years, is back.
naaah that thing is such a monstrosity right now…you log in you have 3 tanks 2 of which are hogs with moira and juno? you roll the other team which is with 3 heals 2 dps and they can do anything… How is that more fun? How is that enjoyable in any way? Role queue on mystery was one of the best things that happened to me in this game and they removed it…
Me too and I want to add my voice to this request. I used to love mystery heroes, but now that I’ve played MH Roles Queue, I just can’t go back to the original mode. It’s just a bit too wonky. I like the stability of at least staying the same role for the entire match.
RQ MH was my favorite game mode, bring it back.
OQ MH is just fubar; gg one team got 3 tanks = people leave game = match ruined instantly.
RQ MH brings some stability and fun into the game mode. OQ is just on crack…
No. It completely destroyed the core idea of the mode. I’m glad to see that bs gone with actual “random heroes” doing a return.
RQMH Just seemed like QP lite to me. It took out the extra randomness, crazy comps and fun strategy as well as introducing more sweaty toxic behaviour. Not only that, if I wanted to play DPS I’m back to sitting in 10 minutes queues - yay.
The mode just never made sense to me (and clearly didn’t to many others seeing as they removed it). I don’t blame people wanting it back - I just question why Blizzard ever introduced it in the first place when it seemed fairly destined to fail.
To you maybe. The rq mh was such a cesspool of toxicity and rage that i much rather played rq qp (which is also filled with toxicity).
In comparison to rq, the oq mh players are much more relaxed, laidback and more likely to have positive banter during funny moments.
Those 2 dps should have assassinated those 2 supps with the help of theirs, then the whole team focus fires the tanks one at a time.
Oq mh is a very different beast when it comes to target priorities and approach routes.
If there are 2 orisas blocking the main in lijiang, you use the other route. You have to be willing to change tactics and priority at the drop of a hat, you have to adapt all the time.
And if that doesn’t work, at least you can laugh about the loss since it wasn’t your fault.
Focusing a sup is more important in oq mh than in any other mode. Because there is no guarantee that the enemy will get a supp back.
The rq mh has pretty much the same priorities as reqular rq. Supp/dps, tank.
In oq mystery the priority is sups, and then whoever is carrying. You need awareness and gamesense in very different amounts than in rq modes.
bruh if you want tactics and such you need to play competitive not an arcade mode which is what mystery heroes is… I just wanna have fun and open queue in mystery is killing the fun for me. Honestly I’m just thinking of quitting the game overall because of that garbage change…
Best thing is just to let ppl queue for whatever they want… You have open and role queue for quick play… then let ppl have open and role for mystery as well. …
RQMH was not even three months old. Mystery Heroes (original/open queue) has been around for years - pretty sure it was shortly after release.
I sympathise that a game mode they introduced and you enjoyed has gone but let’s not get too over the top in decrying it’s removal.
Also, because it is so will established, those that play the mode regularly appreciate the strategies that might not be obvious to everyone.
It was obviously splitting the player base too much and I assume they realised most were still queuing open queue over RQ. They’ll have the data, it won’t have been decided on a whim.
Every mode has their own tactics, and i myself enjoy solving the puzzles that oq mystery tosses at me.
Rq mystery didn’t feel any different from regular rq when i played it. But oq mystery still feels different than regular oq when played.
Which is why i play oq mystery, and have been playing oq mystery for 7 years.
I have fun in a mode that is different from any other mode.
In rq mystery, you’ll still be stuck in the same role hero after hero while your team ignores the diamond flanker in the backline that’s farming you. Just like normal rq.
I personally don’t find that fun at all.
That’s how i felt when oq got booted into arcade with 15 minute queue times.
I just stuck to qp oq instead, and pve custom games.
Maybe the modes take turns, maybe next season will have rq mystery again.
It would be more fair to have the modes side by side, but who knows what’s going on in the dev team.
Because there is a great need for 2x size event slot, yeah…
So that’s why people have been asking for competitive for mh since it came out. Because it doesn’t use tactics, sure. You might not think in it, but don’t put that on everyone
I dont understand what you mean?
It was sarcasm about event arcade taking 2 places
My point was that arcade has a limited number of slots so when you start filling them with permanent modes, the number of other modes that can appear there start getting very limited. The event may only take two, but then when you add another for mystery heroes, and another for FFA (which recently got moved from the unranked tile), then add no limits… Now there’s only two slots that actually rotate daily.
I realize you probably dont care if you dont play arcade, but a lot of people do, and I think it’s a legitimate complaint that their favorite game modes only start appearing like once a week, if that. It’s not really fair for something like mystery heroes to get two permanent slots under two completely different menus at everyone else’s expense just so they can have two variations of it.
There is clearly a misunderstanding here. This was a jab at blizzard for keeping event arcade in 2 slots instead of giving one of the slots for rotation
Thats the hardest part of playing OW2: sometimes the Devs create awesome modes, but they are usually temporary with no signs of them returning
RQ MH was for me a breath of fresh air when I was tired to see a sombra in every single match. In this mode I could at least queue a support and be sure that if a sombra was in rotation, potentially it would not be for the entire game.