Please Bring Back Competitive Mystery Heroes!

It has been 4 whole seasons without Comp Mystery Heroes :frowning: I am begging the OW team that makes these decision to please bring back Competitive MH Midseason or even it stay as a permanent game mode in season 11. :pray:

It is the perfect mode for those of us who are casuals but still want points for golden weapons. MH is full of chill players who just love to play, have fun, and be silly. MH is where I spend 99% of my time now. Most of the funniest and best games I have ever had in OW are there. So, imagine how happy I was when I saw comp MH added and I had the exact same fun but got points for golden guns!

Normal comp is just too stressful and has gotten worse season after season. It’s full of toxic players who have more than once yelled, cussed, or threatened me where I full on broke out in tears… and I am a grown adult! I am also an introvert and games should be a place for me to have fun and build a fun community around me but I swear people in normal OW comp enjoy breaking your soul if you do anything that causes a death or a loss. :frowning:

There are a handful of posts that echo similar stories and share the same sentiment, and it’s so disheartening to see season 10 didn’t bring it back. Please Blizzard, please, bring it back in season 11. :heart:


I must heartily concur and I too wish for the return of Comp MH. MH is my favourite mode and what I play 90% of the time when I play unranked.

I mean why remove the mode? What’s the issue with just leaving it in every season?



Just play normal MH

Modes like this just allow lower ranked players to sport higher ranked icons than they would be in normal comp due to RNG, more forgiving rankings, or limited player population (diamonds = T500, for example)

I am keeping my fingers crossed for MH comp to return in s11 :pray:
It’s the most fun comp mode out there, when I play unranked I also pretty much only play MH!!

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This!! And also Competitive Deathmatch, I miss that mode.

Are you so insecure you care about peoples icons? Is all your self esteem wrapped up in having an icon that not many others have? Who cares?!?!
Normal MH sucks, it’s full of leavers every game and people who get mad at you for being “sweaty” if you actually want to win. When comp MH was here it was such a massive improvement.

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all this + you get to play both sides of the map on maps like hybrid or escort which is more fun then narrowly losing one side on unranked MH and wondering if it would be a win if you got to play both sides aka same issue QP has for me…

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