Please Blizzard, fix the Workshop!

Hello there,

I spent over 3 years creating this gamemode:

Working on this gamemode has been my hobby. I have a Discord server where I get feedback and I’ve been updating frequently to give the players the best experience they can have.

Around when OW2 was released a lot of bugs were introduced to the Workshop, which discouraged me from continuing my project. I hoped when returning recently that it was going to be fixed, but I’m shocked to see nothing has happened yet. I have had to remove a lot of code, because of various bugs with the Workshop, which is a shame. I also want to add more talents and functionality for my gamemode, but so many things are buggy, so it doesn’t feel worth it.

I believe a better working Workshop will be healthy for your game. A happy community = More player retention.

Please listen to the “” community. They have listed issues with the workshop and they also have a lot of good ideas of what improvements the Workshop needs.