Please answer the pleas of Symmetra mains

It didn’t hold her to a spot at all. If you were babysitting the Shield Gen, you were doing it wrong.

The Shield Generator offered your team a boon, even if it was destroyed, because it made the teamfight a 5v6 due to the person, or people, hunting it down to destroy it.

It was great bait.

You could generate another shield generator in no time at all, it was literally the quickest ult to get in the game.

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It would have to be made smaller to fit in the hitbox then, so it can look that way, it wouldn’t change anything diagnostically but I would look weird.

Among all threads made by sym mains there’s a common theme. No survivability, tp is too slow /buggy, and primary is weak.

We all have different opinions about turrets (i think the cd is ridiculously long) and such but if the devs addressed those 3 issues, Sym would finally be in a solid place.


Only at the beginning of the fight. Unless you were running triple healer, Shield Generator didn’t really help the longer the fight went.

but considers that the shield generator was quite boring as ulti in terms of action. or too frustrating, especially when it was placed 2 m from the enemy respawn. it was definitely too uninteresting compared to this wall which still has its usefulness during a fight and does not remain there to observe how things go.

you could also consider the shield generator very “hands-free”, more than it would be an autoaim: you throw it and do something in any case wherever the companions are.

Which is when the headshots from Widow/Hanzo on your tanks, or body shots on the healers are most prevalent.

Any singular time that a healer did not get to the person before their health fell below 75hp, that shield generator saved their life. The healer also got to heal those HP back up as well, with no delay. Having the shield generator actually required less healing, rather than more. Chip damage was negated by it.

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I agree on everything except on the beam: of his is not “weak”, but has too extreme limits between lv 1 and lv 3. should be approached a little (enhancement of lv 1 and decrease of lv 3) to make already the radius is more viable. or add additional benefits: slow down the targets just as happens with the radius of the turrets? more chance to recover ammunition against enemies who have shields and barriers in the hp? to drill more enemies at a time to increase the level up speed?

I can agree, it was quite boring, but it was beneficial. Not all things have to be action packed and in your face.

Symmetra was more about pre-planning, than reaction. She was more about battlefield control than she was domination. Some of those aspects still remain on her kit with the turret placement, and ultimate, but the feel of the character has changed completely.

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Having 2 healers could probably prevent that in the first place.

Having 2 healers would be more beneficial since they get their own ults and can help teammates without using their own ultimate.

While this was true, it also helped the enemy get their ults faster but didn’t help your healers get theirs.

Also, what if you picked Teleporter?

Her primary should add shields as an “over buff” to her health pool.

She should be able to go to a max of 300 health, 100hp, 100 shields + a possible 100 additional shields gained through primary fire use. 50 of the additional 100 would slowly trickle away until a total of 100/150 is achieved. Once Symmetra is damaged, her shields would regen back to 100, and she would need to charge them back up again.

This would greatly assist her sustainability in combat, and give her a reason to fire on barriers and shields outside of combat. Then her primary synergizes with her kit, then it all makes sense.


The Shield Generators shields didn’t attribute to ultimate generation, only the inherent shields of a player, or their armor/health pools do that.

And in regards to your other comments, why are you assuming Symmetra was being used in a healer spot?

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I think the additional shields should only stack up to 50hp or 75hp. You have to remember that they are continuously generating.

Yeah… I’ve been playing as Symm in FFA some and… really the only time I ever use her primary is when I’m facing a DVa\Genji and they are DMing\Reflecting.

Here’s a thought. No idea if it is good.

make Symmetra’s primary do 60/90/120/150/180. 1 Second charge time per level. Then landing an Orb charges her primary equal to how much the orb was charged.

I also find it bizarre that Sym 2.0 was given the shield Gen because 1.0 sometimes would not have any use for the TP.

I can’t be the only person that throws the TP into a battle simple to give it something to do. A shield Gen with a 10 second boost to shields would be better than simply a bait TP all the time.

Yes, and tell me how much that continuous regeneration currently helps Reaper.

Now you see why I state what I do.

I’m pretty sure they did. I feel you’re talking about how Hammond’s shields don’t, that’s something unique to him.

To be completely honest, I don’t know. I just kinda defaulted to that. She never really fit well into most team comps.

It depends. How much is generated then? Reaper’s is directly connected to how much damage he does. It also doesn’t stack on top of his health a single overheal.

So by that stance, Lucio’s ult shields also contribute to ultimate generation? To my knowledge, the only shields/armor that attribute to ult generation are those that are installed on the characters by default. If you find proof otherwise, I’ll gladly update my view on it.

I’m pretty sure it does.

I think it was changed only recently.

Yes, but he starts with 250. He does considerably more damage than Symmetra does, and the more damage he does, the more health he gets back.

He also has a “get out of death free” card with his wraith form. Symmetra is not afforded any such escape mechanism. She must instead, endure. With her current paltry 200hp pool, her primary is not suitable for use.

Asking a character with a nerf bat to walk into the fray with people wielding lead pipes will yield the expected results.