Please allow slightly zoomed out 1st person/3rd person view

A lot of my friends and ppl don’t want to play overwatch because the game is “too zoomed in” and it hurts their eyes. Please give us an option as a 3rd persion view. it doesn’t have to be like Ball 3rd person, but just slightly more zoomed out where we can see our character without widening the POV. This is totally possible by making our perspective character more zoomed out/smaller.

this shouldn’t affect hitbox or anything.

the fov in overwatch is 103, same as valorant, and third person would not work and is probably so far away from any of the dev’s concerns

Its a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. That would fundamentally change the ENTIRE game and is NEVER going to happen lol.

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just asking for it to be first person but it can still be zoomed out.

Marvel Rivals will be a 3rd person shooter. Maybe that will be the game for you?

Play Wrecking Ball.