The private profile setting is one of the most important features Blizzard has added to reduce toxicity. Please enable a related feature that would allow us to use a generic portrait border instead of the borders that are variously colored and filigreed based on our “experience” level and which the game currently forces on us all.
Since I “graduated” to silver border (involuntarily), I have been portrait-shamed for not performing up to the expectations of my teammates. I’m often the only silver portrait on a team of bronze portraits. I know I’m not very good at the game but I do try my hardest and don’t deserve to be shamed by my teammates simply because of the color and complexity of my portrait’s border.
but but i love my silver border
i know sometime people will level shaming me but…yeah it the consequence of playing this game too long and not being good at it
that mean i just need to be good at the game
He simply said that the portrails were going to disappear in OW 2, but we will have an option to show our account level for people who care about that, just it will be optional not like now that is shown by the color/tier of your portrail.
Someone made fun of my border today.
They said " I don’t think I have seen a max border that was so bad"
then they quickly left.
They did nothing all game in the dps slot.
I was in the healer spot.
I almost felt bad but then I remembered I don’t care what random kids think.
9/10 times if someone says something to you about border it is because they are trying to draw attention away from how terrible they are at this.
I love people who use the term “snowflake,” it immediately means they can safely be ignored as they are incapable of an actual discussion and would rather just insult and spew mindless memes.
Yeah, I guess I’ll just have to buy another account and join the smurfs… till my account gets too high again and I start getting roasted by my teammates.
Level shaming is the most hillarious form of attack from another player I think this game has. “Lul plat border in plat”. I usually respond with something like “Lul using border as a metric for your argument”.
Anyone that uses another players level as a means of verbal or text based attack is an idiot and deserves to be called such.
Yes … I’m level 2,077. That doesn’t make me a pro. That just means I’ve played a long time.
I’d like for the option to use old borders. If it makes it easier to avoid bashing over something stupid like silver/gold and in X rank. I’m in favor of it.