Please Add more Competitive Modes

I love deathmatch/ffa it’s my favorite mode. In my totally biased opinion, ffa comp would be awesome :smiley:

That might be too many people, but I like the idea of changing team sizes.

Personally, I’ve always wanted a 3v3v3v3 mode.
(Or a 4v4v4 I suppose. I think 6 teams of 2 might be pushing it though. On the other hand, 6 Pharmercys could be hilarious)

Could be a control map, or maybe a team death match. Elimination might be less interesting, but maybe it could work.

Competitive custom games?

you asking you wanting Other ranked modes for the rest of the year?..

Summer games starts in early August…
Summer games already has Copa Ball (Ranked Lucio ball) from last year.

Personally I think the most viable arcade modes for a comp version would be 3v3 elimination and 4v4 deathmatch (would be so fun). I think the smaller teams would encourage more active participation, teamwork, and strategy. Plus not everyone has 5 friends to make their own 6 stack, 3-4 is much more doable.

Deathmatch could be done but would it still count as a win (and thus sr gain) for the whole top 4? Perhaps +10sr for 4th, 20 for 3rd, 30 for second, and 40 for first? Personally if it was competitive I think the winners should be narrowed to top 2. (Who would gain 20sr for second and 30 for third).

Give me a mini 3v3 Comp mode. I would play it all day.

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This is great but can we get more consistent comp modes?

I especially loved Lucioball… Any chance it will be in the Custom Game area in the future?

I would love 4v4 team deathmatch Competitive please Jeff add it!!!

You can’t be serious. you legitimately think that Uprising - a game mode that pits 4 players against predictable AF AI - is suitable for a competitive spinoff.

you are the reason why Overwatch is failing as a game - people much like you will ask for dumb crap, and because people like you outnumber people with at least one brain cell, Blizzard will consider it as a majority decision and add it into the game.

give us role select competitive!

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Roll Queue would do more harm than good for the game, as the game revolves around swapping heroes to counter a composition. It can also be abused - A person could easily queue as a healer and select Torb or Hanzo.

This won’t work, It just won’t. Not in today’s society.

You can do that already - although it wont give you sr (because of course it wont). All you need to do is to turn ‘competitive ruleset’ on under the mode you want.

The switch also explains why competitive sucks, because all it does is change the mode from playing in one round to multiple rounds while swapping sides after each round - or by doing FA in king of the hill.

Of course you would. Everyone does! People love DPS classes, and it’s Blizzard’s fault that they make them cool and interesting e.g. cyborg ninja, cowboy, fighter pilot that bends time and space., one-punch man, hacker etc., while most of the tanks/healers are less interesting e.g. doctor, buff woman, an obese man who once found a hook etc.

You, like many others, are the reason why OW comp is a failure. by this reply alone a blind man could see that you are an Insta-locking DPS main.

Maybe if they created ffa comp with ranks, it would push the only dps guys there and make comp better in the process

If you think ow is faling as a game then you should just move away from this comunity. Keep concidering ppl other than you braindead and dumb. This will get you very far in life

Truth hurts I don’t hurt anyone

Looking forward to comp TDM