Please Add more Competitive Modes

I just want to play pay load competitive. I hate the endless lame stalling that takes place in 2cp and koth

What if Blizzard let us create our own Competitive modes for fun, like mini-seasons we can put up and give people the chance to try out some serious player-designed modes?

Right? Itā€™d be so great to have a competitive mode that encouraged flex players rather than specialized players with narrow hero pools.

I would love this. I know a few friends that would also as itā€™s pretty much all we play.

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Always a pleasure to meet a fellow ā€œmystery heroes mainā€

Eh, I donā€™t think itā€™d work ,but I sure as hell would love to try it.

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What about a mode, where you only play as a premade vs another full premade? Iā€™m talking about something similar to WoW Arena 5v5 (in Overwatch it would obviously be 6v6) or Team League from HotS, the way it worked during the preseason.

You said thereā€™s an issue with toxicity. Such a mode would standardize playing as full premade, so reports would go down. You donā€™t get to report your teammates, as you yourself willingly assembled or joined a team.
Pure Elo, no personal performance nonsense. No 1K SR limit, you get to play with your friends and improve as a team, as opposed to trying to play around randoms every single game.

Hey Jeff,

I really really like this idea. Maybe rotate through different mini-comp seasons/modes, having 2 or 3 weeks on each? Similar to arcade and the seasonal event modes like Copa Lucioball and CTF? Iā€™ve really loved those modes so far

A few mode ideas:

  • A FFA gungame style mode where your character is switched to the next one in the list each time you get a kill. It starts on easy characters like Mcree but steadily gets harder towards the end where you have to finish on Zarya or something? The first one to get through all the characters wins. This is my FAVOURITE idea for overwatch Iā€™ll be honest :smiley:
  • Deathmatch just as it is in arcade
  • Deathmatch but with a specific character? e.g. Competitive Widowmaker?
  • Another sport based mode like lucioball? e.g. Ana paintball?
  • Competitive duel like quake champions?

Iā€™m gonna stop there cos Iā€™ve got a million ideas and I donā€™t want to get carried away. I think it definitely should be rotated though to avoid splitting the playerbase too much - I think this kills a lot of games after a while as they add new modes and dlc and players get spread too thinly between them.

Overwatch is the best game Iā€™ve ever played and I want it to last for years to come :smiley:


I like Ana Paintball Competitive idea

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I keep telling them to add all these Competitive modes my top favorite one would be a 4v4 team deathmatch Competitive, or 3v3 with 6v6 lockout elimination CTF should keep compared to the normal Competitive itā€™s always gonna be trash due to throwers, leavers which is pity in my opinion.

Uprising was around April if I remember right (and my birthday!) and playing the 3 point cap and the escort was cool because it had a mix of Junkensteinā€™s Revenge wall defense concept as well.

By chance, would a comp variant be possible where rather than omnics there were players?

Yeah. Give us more comp modes that no one plays (outside of avoiding throwers in the start/end of the regular season)

give us alternative ways to get golden guns. is not fair that we need to play a mode that we dont like just to get something we want

Thatā€™s why theyā€™ve started arcade comp modes. For different ways to earn SR instead to have to wait for the offseason or if youā€™ve been banned or suspended from traditional competitive.

i gave up competitive seasons ago cause of toxicity

Thats literally what this is lol

Toxicity is something you canā€™t help though. The game canā€™t just match you with people who arenā€™t throwers or smurfs etc. Which sucks if you donā€™t queue with normal players.

im not talking about SR. another ways than that

This is a Very smart guy right here Jeff. Give him what he wants.


Could be fun to have a 9 VS 9 mode.

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