Please add "LFG" Back Into OW2

The #1 feature I miss most from OW1 was “Looking for Group”. Please add it back to OW2, because trying to form a group through the forum is just needlessly complicated.

Playing solo-queue is a terrible experience, because no one ever communicates in a game based on teamwork. I like making call-outs when I play, but can’t because most of my teammates don’t even join the voice-channel.


Fully agree with this

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While I agree. They wont. The OW2 Director said in an interview that it was a feature that not many people used in OW. While he didn’t directly say this it sounded like it would be a lot of work for something that was not all that used.

Even if just a smaller percentage of players use LFG, it’ll bring some good will to OW2, especially after all the bad press.

Plus Blizzard doesn’t need to recreate LFG from scratch (saving time/money), they can just implement the ow1 system into ow2.

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