Please add it to the workshop

Post using a translator :fountain_pen:

I am a user who is using a workshop in Korea
I asked to add this half a year ago in the Korean forum, but I wrote it because it is more feasible to write it here :pray:

Set Payload Speed (100);

  • Sets the moving speed of the cargo as a percentage of the net moving speed. Valid in the battlegrounds of escort, occupation/protection.

Set Payload Progress Percentage (0);

  • Set the freight progress rate to % ratio. The cargo is moved according to progress. Valid in the battlegrounds of escort, occupation/protection.

set Point Capture Percentage (0);

  • In Active Base, set the occupancy progress of the occupied Base at % rate. Valid in the Battlegrounds of Occupy, Occupy/Safe.

set Point Capture Speed (100);

  • In Active Base, set the occupancy rate as a percentage of pure occupancy rate. Valid in Occupy, Occupy/Boy, Battlefield.

Set Control Mode Scoring Percentage(Team 1, 30);

  • Sets the percentage of points for the specified team in the Battlefield. Valid in Battlefield.

Set Control Mode Scoring Speed(Team 1, 30);

  • In the active battlefield, set the score acquisition rate as a percentage of the net score acquisition rate. Valid in Battlefield.

Great idea! In the meantime, payload speed and control point capture speed can be edited in the Lobby section in Custom Games.

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I tried to use that function, butā€¦ I couldnā€™t use it as I wanted because I couldnā€™t slow down or get faster where I wanted to :sob:
So I tried using the slow motion function, but the sound and skills got slower, so I felt uncomfortable :loud_sound:
If OW add this function, can practice certain sections :repeat:, touch workshops that charge fuel to make cargo faster :articulated_lorry:, or add functions such as increasing occupancy rate when you achieve certain goals, so I think it would be good to add these functions

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I agree! There are other settings changeable via the custom games lobby that can also be changed with workshop to be more flexible, I think payload & capture speed should also have that!

The same goes with setting the capture & payload percentage, I think this was mentioned a while ago by the devs but we havenā€™t heard anything since

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Oh I see. Speeding up and slowing down with in the same game is a great idea!

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Here you go:

I think some of your ideas are already featured in the thread I linked.

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