PLEASE add a surrender option in competitive

You are right
(20 ch

I have to agree with this. You never know when things might turn around. If you are being beaten that bad, then it will be over quick anyhow.


Comebacks are very much possible. Surrendering just seems unnecessary, the only purpose I see is if someone has to go. So they just surrender hoping to get out of the game.

Not really. It’s an example of one person agreeing with you. It doesn’t say anything about its impact on the game.

It can cause infighting within teams.

X person decides the game isn’t worth playing anymore, so they start a surrender vote.

A couple teammates decline.

X says “Well I’m not going to waste my time trying then” and decides to throw anyways.

X becomes straight up determined to lose, becomes the reason they lost, and all while X points at literally anyone else.

Like I said, this is already a problem with this community. Adding a surrender option just causes problems to anyone who dares to say no.

The difference is the OW community is honestly one of the more pathetic communities I’ve been in. Remember, we didn’t used to get punished if you ended up with leavers, but the community was horrible with that too, so that got taken away. For some reason, a lot of people sorta suck around here.



Every game is winnable, and adding this feature wouldn’t be good for anyone. Even the winners wouldn’t be happy if you surrender


Ah yes, the games where i get a 3-stack of trolls/derankers on my team are DEFINITELY still winnable lmao. A full surrender would rarely even happen anyways, it wouldn’t hurt anyone. Look at other games with this feature. No one complains there, why is it such a problem in OW?


I really wish this was an option, half the time I try and foray into Competitive it winds up being an absolute clusterfudge. This last time I played 3 games, the first one was okayish but a real struggle and we lost at the end, but it was fair. Second one we had a thrower, which made someone frustrated and then they left, so we were basically down 2 people for the entire game, like right out of the gate. That was a real chore to sit through. I’ve had so many matches where it was obvious that the enemy team was made up of insane smurfs that no one could touch, like a Zarya Rein Mercy three stack that are practicing together and literally never die once because they all stick together like glue and no one on your mediocre team of rando’s is going to be able to take that kind of teamwork down.

I hate that in a game where teamwork is rewarded we’re not given any actual methods to develop teams where we could build strategies or practice like that unless we happen to make friends with people who are both as interested in the competitive game scene and as good as you are. I got my friend into OW but they were not that great so it wasn’t like I could play with them, and they never wanted to play Comp anyway, so like…

How do I get in on some of that Zarya Rein Mercy combo? It’s impossible outside of trying to orchestrate my own Social Network inside the game, which is just stupid.

Honestly saying this and meaning it means I can’t take anything you say seriously, because you lack the ability to actually assess reality.

You might as well be saying the moon is made of cheese, but trust you, you’re a verified science person. Mkay hun.

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What other games are you referring to?

The main one I can think of is League of Legends, and you can’t surrender until 15-20 minutes because the game length is much longer than Overwatch.

15 minutes is the average length of a OW match.

Also, lets just say you get absolutely rolled on defense and don’t stop them at all, they cap with 4 minutes left. Do you just give up?

Any game is winnable, or at the very least drawable.


NOT EVERY GAME IS WINNABLE. I don’t know why you keep mumbling this phrase when it is not true at all. Yes, most are winnable, but some just aren’t, and maybe you haven’t played enough at a high elo to know this. The fact is that a small percentage of games are simply impossible to win, which is why a surrender feature would be great as a QOL change. It would only be used in these instances too, so rarely. I don’t see what a downside to this is, as you have failed to mention one in your numerous replies.


I would actually say that 15-20 minutes if not longer is more common for Overwatch. The last competitive game I was in had literally 4 rounds, it was never ending, we kept switching sides - it takes a long time to finish a comp match these days, and if you have horrible teammates that are ruining the match for whatever reason then it doesn’t hurt to have a surrender option.

Especially with the caveat that everyone would have to agree ~ although I suppose if you have trolls on your team that are intentionally ruining your game they won’t agree because then that would be releasing their captive victims. So OP, it likely would have to be something of a 4 votes minimum to meet the surrender and then have it enact, which I also would consider fair.

Honestly this whole issue wouldn’t be a problem if Blizzard managed it’s game, but they won’t, because they suck.

How about you try to be a better person before you insult people

Blizzard is a corporation, not a person, my dear. And I’m already working on being the best version of me I can every day, it’s all we can do.

And my opinion is that Blizzard sucks. (an opinion formed based on their actions in the last 2 years, this is called ‘consequences for your actions’) Whaddayagunnado :man_shrugging:

I have played above 4k SR. And I don’t know any GM+ players who want a surrender feature. They all play the game out until it’s through because they understand pretty much every game is winnable

Downside is no one wins from a surrender option. If you’re meant to lose the game, you will. Play it out and try to win, you never know, you just might


You have no idea what goes into game development do you

Sorry chile, but a surrender option is a terrible idea.


Because having a defeatist mindset is bad.


yea it would kinda suck to have a mindset where you cant hear anything

Damn autocorrect, thanks for telling me :smile:.

Well thanks for changing the subject matter, but funny enough I actually do. And I know it’s the internet so anyone can say whatever they want, but I actually developed a game for myself last Christmas and got involved in a few video game discords, made a few good friends and did a few illustration and editorial jobs for their games over the summer, and got most of a fun little phone game app put together (though I will not share because I don’t like my professional life being linked with my game things) but it was certainly fun. I’m no coder, but I know enough and I know lots of people who work in the field.

I also happened to go to a college and take video game design courses when the industry was early on, but that was back when you had to sculpt all your own assets on Maya3D and it was a huge nightmare. These days you can just buy assets off of a store and go, you don’t even need to know how to do most of the stuff because the programs you code in do a lot of the work for you and have filters and settings and whatnot. Things have come a LONG way, and it’s much easier and more complex than it’s ever been.

So yeah I actually do know a decent amount about games and how they’re made, but if you want to assume what I know please feel free. It won’t make a lick of difference, because Blizzard is still screwing you over while you defend them ardently.