Please add a DPS with a three burst rifle

Baptiste is the only character with a burst weapon at the moment, but the new upcoming support hero Space Ranger is also getting a “3 burst SMG”.

Which sounds super cool but it makes me sad because I LOVE burst weapons in FPS games.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, just play Bap or Space Ranger when she comes out. And I agree, I already do enjoy playing Bap and I’m looking forward to Space Ranger but it would just be so cool to have a DPS hero with a burst rifle as well.

Please Blizzard :sob:

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They fear the legacy of the M16.


Oh, is she? Dang. That’s annoying to me for the opposite reason - I usually prefer full auto weapons, and I would like a support to have a non-burst full auto hitscan.

Bah humbug.


I would actually love to see a DPS with a burst rifle! It doesn’t even necessarily have to be hitscan!

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Genji has a burst weapons. Three shurikens spread or linear.


Just play Bapt he is pretty much a dps.

Doesnt gengu and lucio also have burst weapons?


OP only thinks in generic shooter.

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Just a straight up useless, troll comment.

Muted and moving on.

Minus the damage output giving your only hope to win a duel is to solo lamp.

Or duel someone with no aim.

Bap is in the wrong role category, the best bap players in overwatch literally play him like a dps. The hero does a ton of damage for a support, not to mention he’s hitscan, has lots of mobility and has basically 3 health bars. Its crazy to me how not many people play this hero, he’s literally easy mode when playing support,

Just play soldier and only fire 3 bullets at a time XD

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After all the years of using a Battle Rifle in Halo 3, yeah, burst rifles are really fun.

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Well, yes, because you’re playing support.

Let me elaborate: I play all heroes. The easiest, least stressful and least responsible (getting blamed for losses) is hands-down, by far, support heroes.

Damage has the stress of picks and dmg output. Tank has the stress of leading the line and he’s only tank. I honestly empathize with the dps/tank players that respond to the complaining support hero with…

“just heal me plz”

If a Support gets a real tracking weapon for healing AND damage, short ranged on a hero with mobility

He is clunky in gameplay feel, it’s not fun playing him.

Zen may be weaker often but feels smooth as butter.

Tbf they said rifle in the title so probably means a normal gun…

I understand the idea and support it
What kit would they have though?

That was literally launch soldier, you had to fire in short bursts to counter the spread.

I hate burst weapons so much. To me they are by far the least satisfying ones to use. I was hoping space ranger would be a dual pistol user. Lemme fight tracer fair and square !!!