Please add 2-2-2 role queue

Characters can be balanced better, match making will be more even, no more loading into a match with 3-4 onetricks who all play the same character so you auto lose in spawn, the macro experience of the whole game will be greatly improved, dont let peoples strawman arguments about theoretical niche comps that are fun or effective once dissuade you, they can have those in no limits or the arcade/workshop.

This is exactly like when hero limits were improsed, lots of people complained but it made the game much better.


while i dont think its ideal. i think currently bad players are holding this game hostage and the precise matchmaking from role lock would keep them more amongst their own kind where they do no harm. current system lets bad players roam all over the ladder through rng and grinding and ruin too many games.


Honestly, that’s just scapgoating…

The game is not held hostage but the bad players being in ranks they don’t belong in and the mentality of ‘playing what you want’ without a care about comp/meta is hurting this game.


i just dont like how they so easily ruin a good chunk of my games with their selfish way of playing. it feels like im being held hostage because i cant leave the game.
the only solution is to grind games so you are in enough games where the enemy also gets the thrower. both winning and loosing because of thrower players sucks.


Selfish players are across all ranks, this game is not meant for solo queuing. Being in a duo or even a triple stack helps so much.

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to op:

Just wanted to check - you do know there are many other role queue threads already in progress?


The most common strawman I see is from the pro-2/2/2 side claiming those against it just want the “creativity” of 5 DPS comps.

Those things you claimed aren’t even guaranteed. You can still get multiple one-tricks in the same roles, and probably will since locked 2/2/2 encourages more one-tricking. Characters could be balanced better but that doesn’t mean they will, we all know how the balance team works. There are plenty of terrible 2/2/2 comps so matchmaking isn’t guaranteed to improved.


Yes, and theyre almost all negative circlejerks, so an infavor one was warrented.


It will be awesome. I will finally be able to use mercy as a dps and no one will be able to stop me!!! IT WILL BE GLORIOUS.

Alright, I also want 2-2-2 but this subject is starting to feel old. Can blizzard just pick an answer and let us know please. This argument is the same thing. Creativity vs structure.

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Nothing stops you from doing that right now.


I mean, thats cool man, youll find yourself in bronze and likely suspended repeatedly, but you do you.

They are clearly working on it but it takes time, and Blizzard sure likes to take their time so, I wouldn’t hold my breath for it, but I’m pretty sure it’s coming, just out of common sense, if it wasn’t they would’ve shut down the conversation already.

yea if they dont add 222 soon a lot of people will leave

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there are already many threads titled in favor of 2-2-2, but ok

There are a lot of players who will leave if their Freedom is taken away


reporting a player solely on that basis will be a false report, which is breaking the rules of the game


there is no freedom without rules and structure,. what you are talking about is anarchy… so no thanks to that


Please don’t. I want the freedom to flex to another role if the situation requires it.


clarification: the freedom I speak of is nothing even remotely like anarchy.

The game as it is has rules just as any games does

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