Pleas remove lucio

So the support who enables rush comps is not a support? Lucio does need to do some healing, but he’s so much more than that, if you have a problem with lucio because he doesn’t heal enough chances are, you aren’t aware how useful a lucio is


It’s kind of funny that we’re complaining about Lucio not healing, when there is an OWL strat where Lucio is specifically tasked with healing as little as possible. It’s a dive variant sometimes called zombie.

Lucio is tasked with staying on speed so the other support (Moira) can build ult as fast as possible by being the solo healer. The team hard engages as soon as she has ult.

Just thought it was interesting how a no heal Lucio has become a successful pro strategy.


A GM/TOP500/OWL lucios they go DPS bit then go back to heal.

On their “Scrims” their coach force them to keep an “Average amount of healing per game” before they are allowed “DPS”.

The problem with low-rank lucios is they DPS 95% of the time and heal 5%.

I never said remove him… But hey learn to read

Well it does say “Please remove lucio” in the title, it’s not hard to misunderstand things with these clickbaity, incomplete titles


The key to win on lucio is to NOT be a heal bot, if a team expects this they are wrong!

He has one of the higher win rates in the game and its not because of his healing.

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Supports are not heal bots

They support and provide utility, in lucio’s case its speed and boops


I repeat cuz you avoid read everything i said about. So i use BOLD to see if this time you get the point.

On the GM/TOP500/OWL. The lucio players are demanded to keep an VERY-GOOD healing average per “Game”, “Minute”, “10 minute”. Then ONLY if they can keep that averages they are “Starter” on their Teams for scriming, owl, etc.

I put you a more specific example to you.

“X” Lucio will do 2.5k healing, 3k damage, 15 eliminations per game

“Y” Lucio will do 5k healing, 3k damage and 15 eliminations

The second one is the person playing him correctly and is the kind of Lucios we want in our teams. The first ones are DPS-MAINS trolling playing support characters

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He is not. There are just bad Lucio players, who are not playing with team. Not a reason for removing him.

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Who do you think you are exactly? You dont like how certain people play so you get to remove a hero lmfao…

Hes not a “throw pick” he has a high win rate in almost every rank. Dont bother bolding text when you have no idea what you are talking about

I dont like how certain reins play, remove him right now! because i say so

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This is kinda funny lmao. Lucio is an offensive support. Hes not supposed to provide the bulk of healing. Thats the main healers job. (Ana bap moira)
lucios main reason for every comp that hes played in, is speed boost.

“Please remove lucio, hes a throw pick”
If your gonna talk about throw picks. Lets talk about dps moira, or zarya/dva tank comps.


which is almost every soloQ player under 4k

That’s their freakin’ job. Or it was, until Blizzard turned nearly the whole category into DPS. Mercy’s all that’s left(Brig is nerfed to death).

Those other ways dont replenish health when teammates need it the most.

You people better not complain about no heals in OW2.

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You are sorta correct. Every support can heal, but if you are healing on Lucio you are kinda throwing. Speed or flank, don’t be a budget Brig.


Zen was always mainly about dmg amplification and dmg, not healing. A good mercy either balances between healbotting and pocketing a dps, or only does the latter, yes she heals but insted of keeping up their whole team they are mainly just keeping that one person alive and dmg boost them when possible. Ana’s value mainly comes from nade, sleep and nano, and not her healing. Lucio has too little healing to rely on that, speeding is much more valuable. Brig is all about peeling and brawling, you don’t pick her for her healing output either. Moira and bap are the only healers who are centered around healing and keeping up the whole team, and both of them were released way after the game’s original release. On release supports were even less about healing than they are right now, so I don’t see where they were made into dps. You need to realize that on release sym was a support, and she never had any option to heal anyone

Lmfao pleas remov lucio, BET that will happen. Bronze players who have no clue will support this. I bet the OP got booped out of map so many times, lool.

I love your really bad takes on support lol. Moira has the most healing and the least damage per second out of all the supports. Shes just easy to play. Brig was never a true healer. She was a mix between all 3 roles so your “brig was a healer untill she was gutted” statement is wrong. Lucio zen mercy and brig have always been offensive healers.

Bap ana and moira have a ton of healing unlike the ladder 4. They can dps if they want but its much harder to.output the same ammount as the off-supports.

The healing is getting nerfed in ow 2 because its going to be overpowered with one less tank. Lets take baps 90 healing per direct shot. On top of his rejuvination. Thats 100 healing per second at most.

Or moiras 60 healing per second primary fire anf her healing orb which can do 60 healing per second TO MULTIPLE TARGETS

lets talk about ana. She does 70 healing per second and her nade can up the healing output. So she can do 105 healing per second to one target.

So tell me again how supports are just glorified dps we dont have a single support that can output more damage than a dps in their respective rank. Sure a lucio can flank a widow. But a lucio cant flank a sombra and sure as hell cant out dps a bastion

Im tired of your “ow ia going in a dps direction” narrative. Its false and no matter how many people give you proof on numerous forums posts that it is false. All you can say is “dps direction” your WRONG and you cant accept it.

Tanks are tanks. Not defenders.

Supports arent healers theyre supports. They support their team. With their utility alongside the healing. Thats why theyre not just healers. Otherwise roadhog soldier reaper and mei would all be in a “healer” category.

Edit: first 4 supports were lucio zen mercy and sym. Symmetra didnt even heal. And mercy was the only “healer” but even her healing was reallt low compared to nowadays healing

Your low ELO is showing.

If you solely depend on your supports to heal you and you’re not Rein or Winston, then you don’t deserve healing in the first place. His speed allows you to get out of danger.

This is incorrect. He does 50 HPS AoE and 60 HPS direct target. Moira is 70 HPS, too.

Ah i mustve read it wrong awhile back. But thats still alot of healing. Baps is 70 per direct hit and 50 splash. Thats alot more than zen lucio or brigs single target.

Oh, shoot, that’s my fault too. I thought it went from 55 to 50 and 60, instead of from 60 to 50 and 70. That’s an insane amount of healing, I agree. Considering it can direct hit, and AoE around the target. The problem with Moira is she doesn’t add any value besides heals and DPS. Bap has Lamp, Ana has Nade and Sleep, Lucio has Speed, Zen has Discord, Brig has Stun…then there’s Moira. She needs a rework really bad.