Playstation 5 or Xbox Series S/X

The difference is +2 or 3 fps at the most. The performance is not really a reason to not have it.

try it on trash ps4 slim hardware with these graphics settings(which are not minimal) and say again

Maybe technically but what I know is I’ve never had a PC last as long as a console without some weird technical issue that keeps me from using it. Right now, my PC’s current thing is that it runs at 100% disk usage all the time even when nothing is running. That problem seems to have come out of nowhere for no reason at all and I’ve tried every solution I can find through Google. That doesn’t happen on console. My launch PS4 still does what I tell it to do with a lot more play time on it. $1,000 PCs are nice on paper but only if they work.

I’d still waiting to find out whether games I bought digitally through my PS4 will still work on my PS5. I know it’s backwards compatible but is that only for physical copies? I have OW digitally, so I hope I don’t have to buy another copy to keep playing it. Happy to buy OW2 when it comes out, though.

Dude, this isn’t the 90’s.
If your hardware can handle the game in general it can also handle a slightly extended view.

we are talking about ps4 hardware?