Playstation 5 or Xbox Series S/X

But then I’d have to use a controller on PC without aim assist. That’s hard. Too hard.

It probably does with the right emulator

I wouldn’t say it’s hard but I think I would have to relearn the game for playing against pc players and tbh… Pc is toxic af and not worth it. Console stoners are my people

Yea that’s why I buy Nintendo products. They are worth it. Everything else is a bad/expensive PC

I’m just not really a nintendo games fan. I like middle ground. Not cut throat competitive. But not total casual either.

Like the Avatar, I aim for balance :relieved::relieved:

It’s too much chaos in nintendo. I like my cheap, affordable, workable not pc . Thr only way I would go back is if wow decided to not have weird expansions

Just look at the RTX3070, you get so damn much performance for 499bucks. The PS5 will cost atleast 500bucks, i dont see why you should buy a console with the new midrange PCs

You realize you can also do this on pc right? Both playstation and xbox wireless controllers work on pc.

The 3090 is not ment for gaming. This thing is stronger then 2 RTX2080TIs. The 3070 cost 499 and its nearly impossible that tze PS5 cost less then 500
Edit: Maybe the digital cost less, but its still unlikely if the Ps5 really delivers what Sony says

Why goes through all that trouble just to emulate a simple experience? And you would still have to sit right next to the desk to see the small PC screen.

Emulate what experience? You can literally use your pc connected to your tv and “kick back” on a sofa.

Pc is objectively superior outside of console exclusives.

I used to do that too, connected PC to the TV, only that it was very time consuming to turn on PC, reconfigured the setting, then connected the controller ect. With console I would truly kick back, press 1 single button and that s it.

I don’t know what you were doing then because I turn on my controller and it connects automatically.

Sounds like someone’s lying but I’ll leave it alone.

No need to throw insults left right and center, it’s not even a discussion, just each of us is sharing our own experience.

There’s no insults being thrown, just what you first said doesn’t match your walkback.

Talking about emulating an experience and having to sit right next to a desk on a “small Pc screen” doesn’t sound like someone who actually knew you could hook your pc up to a tv and actually be able to sit on a sofa, have surround sound, etc.

No need for falsehoods. Have a nice day.

Because I have tried all of those at some points and find what works best for me? I didn’t build my PC to be a gaming exclusive machine next to my TV, PC has other uses too in case you havent noticed.

And yeah, have a nice day.

Only if PS5 is backwards compatible with 4 games.

I mean it would be cool if blizz make special version of ow for ps5. With bigger fps cap and 102 fov, because why not? Old limitations were made because of poor pastgen consoles hardware. Same story with destiny 2. There you can see 70+ fov when on pc everyone playing with 90+. Huge difference

Key word want :wink:

OW2 may have a PS5 edition.

The fov in general is not related to hardware limitations.
It is usually smaller on consoles to make it feel more natural when you are watching a bigger screen from far away.

it does
the more fov you use the more powerful gpu you need
because you allowed to see more on your screen, it needs to be rendered