Playing solo dps in comp is so toxic

To be honest, in my experience usually when people start pointing fingers (any role, not just DPS) in any Elo, they’re usually pointed at the correct person. People, as bad as they can be, are decent enough at detecting the weakest link in the chain.

Of course many times people are more aggressive in their finger pointing than they need to be & just as many people are too defensive when pointed out. A major issue as well outside of toxicity is usually the one pointing fingers is missing crucial details in their own accusation. 9 times out of 10, pointing out the problematic player ends up inciting a larger disaster, but I definitely consider the ability to put your foot down & say X player is the issue in a non-accusational manner to be a strong asset.

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Try having a full Diamond portrait with 5 stars queuing for DPS, and you get insulted before the game even starts. And then you win, and they’re still insulting you after you carried. Blizzard doesn’t care, the people insulting you don’t care, and insulting them back just means they’re going to report you 100 times because that’s how this game is. Just ignore them.


You give people significantly more credibility than I do.

Could just be the type of people we run into I suppose. I definitely can’t say the people I’m talking about are saints who can do no wrong, just there’s usually some truth to what they say (even if they themselves are also part of the problem).

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Exactly it was literally one tank player throwing hate the whole game when he kept dying too trying to 1v6

Just play OPEN and be the change you want to be.
222 is for schmucks that expect someone else to carry.

Imagine being in a prison cell. Now yell across the row that someone in another prison cell isn’t stepping up in a video game. It’s way better when the cells open up and we see who the alphas are.

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:+1: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:


Most dps aren’t designed to peel. Meanwhile, lucio, brigitte and offtanks are. You are on your own.


Thank you for the advice hopefully I’ll get to the plate one day