Playing against ball is just mega unfun

800hp. has high damage potential, hyper mobility, has one of the smallest crit boxes in game (doesn’t have one in ball form) some of the highest hp of any tank, game no longer has a lot of hard cc options. What am I supposed to do against this character?


Going Sombra and he won’t be allowed to play the game anymore.


Run my friend

I switch to ball on defense and can easily stall the payload to win even if we’re being stomped sometimes. He just does not die, and if he does he is back so quickly he might as well just have popped off to get a healthpack.

In metal ranks there is no coordination and no switching to deal with him so he is pretty much free to do what he wants.


Adding heroes more and more, there will be more people who exceedingly hate to play against some heroes. OW has not many heroes compared to other MOBAs, but OW heroes are somewhat more extreme. A known solution in this case is hero bans.

If Ball jumps you, then his team likely doesn’t have much of a frontline for the time. Push into the four squishies and they’ll fall over in an instant.

Alternatively, shift all your efforts to the Ball and pressure him with enough damage to get him out of your hair. Any time he spends grabbing health packs or otherwise recovering before his next engagement is time he’s not even on the field, so again his team will be down in resources.

Additionally, if you’re playing a character with a hard CC like Orisa or Roadhog, try and save it until you see Ball attempt to grapple away after an engagement. If you stun him beforehand, he’ll likely just grapple out instantly. Saving it is a bit less reliable on Sigma due to the windup, so if you prefer, you can do it when he slams. Cassidy hinder would be an exception, since it’ll disable grapple outright.

Honestly when it comes to Ball (as well as a lot of Tanks, actually) is that they can be dealt with with coordination, but good luck getting all five teammates in your solo queue games on the same page.


His adaptive shields are the only thing I think needs to be nerfed, honestly. They’re just too much on such a mobile, evasive character.

So not only is he super mobile and evasive and can get away, if he ever slips up, gets too aggressive, puts himself in a bad position, or you actually manage to chase him down and get him in a corner, all he has to do is press E and he can just leave or murder you.
Ball dies less than any tank, even when he has counters, because of his E. He just presses it and lives. It’s honestly the most braindead ability in the entire game.
Press E to live.

even dafran said there isnt much he can do against ball.

Ball is the worst tank in the game right now and it’s not even a question.

His win rate and pick rate are bottom of the pack across all ranks and particularly in GM. He’s sitting at 45% in GM win rate as well as less than half the pick rate of the next closest tank (.5%) That is abysmally bad.

His damage is actually pretty bad compared to other tanks.

He is hard countered by a huge chunk of the roster.

Sorry, asking for nerfs is beyond silly.


Pretty much all of this tbh, its still baffling after all this time people still dont kmow how to play against Ball.

They’ll sit alone far away from their team, die to a 1v1 against Ball (a tank) and complain hes OP lol


Not sure if this works anymore because his cooldown is 1 second long if he doesnt get stunned out of grapple, although i may have read it wrong and maybe it resets the cooldown regardless of whether or not its active?

sombra and to some extent cassidy, mauga, hog are probably the easiest counters against ball so idk why people complain that much about him with such an effective counter pick. any hero that can chase him down after his shield drops is pretty good also. he demolishes teams with poor coordination or aim, yeah, but any tank can do this; he just does it a bit differently

The cooldown is 1 second if he doesn’t get stunned out of it and doesn’t enter ramming speed. If he goes fast, the cooldown’s the same.


Cope, imo.

Ball is really bad, his ‘rework’ did nothing but add two cute tricks.

But most of the tanks aren’t strong enough hence getting the role every single fresh game you get into on flex queue.


sombra and mei makes ball not fun to play, orisa can use spear and the spinny thing, moira can fade away and heal herself with orb, kiriko can tp away, mercy can fly away, lucio can wallride away and boop ball away, brig can boop ball away, hog can hook ball and slow him down with trap, bastion can melt ball if one of your teammate is playing mei, sombra, hog, cass, ana even lucio and brig in some cases. you can also play bastion just cause of his damage reduction and high health.

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spits out drink
Damage is not what WB does and he should be buffed in damage.


why does every post complaining about character get ratio-d with comment that supports counter meta?

Ikr. He has an impercise machine-gun type weapon that only does max of 125 dps with huge falloff and relatively short firing time (~3 seconds). It’s crazy to me people think his damage is high.

Season 9 acted as a pretty big nerf for him because unlike literally every other character with AOE damage, they didn’t buff his aoe damage to compensate for the increased HP.

Like… idk how anyone can complain about Ball since he’s in literally one out of every 100 games and tends to lose those when he shows up.




I stopped reading right here


YOU GUYS still dont understand what is that…

have a hero like sombra to dont let the enemy x hero to play the game is not a fair balance option… why? because insteads balancing ball or dive tanks, you guys are allowing just pick x hero and disable the enemy (just for exists)…wtf…

dont let the enemy tank play the game is soo stupid… no one want play tank and for this reason the queues times are too long.

the team balance should remove the tanks hardcounters and start to balance the game again. or just back to 6vs6.