Players ideas of tanking have become horribly distorted

If you play angles and corners, use the whole map, she can’t do that.

Maps are much much bigger than people seem to think.


No, thanos’ intention is that everything should be balanced. Doing the same thing he did to planets would not lead to perfect balance in OW, so he’d find another way.

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Reduce it to atoms and start over?

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then she has a passive called “make all enemies hide from her fov”, which reduce the effectiveness of teammate by a decent degree. unless all players ignore obj or let their tank players die easier, then it is hard to play the obj.
and the best counter to her will be another widow. thats how bad it is.

i just recently restarting to play other shooter. and when i see a sniper, i just challenge him if i have a decent loadouts. it is never like overwatch this one-sided.

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Plan B it is! Get the gauntlet!

Well as I’ve said in my usual concept post.
✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

I want main tanks and offtanks to have roughly the same firepower.

But drop Rein HP to 400, Sigma/Orisa to 350. And Nerf Fortify and Grasp.

Then give BarrierTanks similar barriers to what they had during Sigma 1.0 in September.

With the idea that if they put out two 350hp BarrierTanks, they are leaving themselves wide open to getting stomped on at close range by a team that has offtanks.

And even DoubleOffTank with Roadhog/Orisa, at 600hp and more, could just matrix+speedboost in on that Orisa/Sigma and have the upperhand in the fight.

We’re better off giving BarrierTanks and OffTanks similar duality to MainHealers and OffHealers.
Where the off version of the role has utility, self sustain, peels, but less death-prevention to teammates.
And the main version of that role just had lots and lots of death-prevention to teammates.

If tank A is considered bad and tank B is considered good, then tank B gets a nerf, what happens to tank A?

Rein has seem few changes and has fluctuated from good to bad over and over. That doesn’t make Reinhardt overpowerex.

I swear there is a collaboration of DPS trying to just repeatedly need every tank again and again until their barrier is 1 health.

Wrap your minds around this, DPS, the last developing meta before 222 was ball triple dps because all the buffed dps were starting to come out on top, we would never know what triple dps meta was to the full extent.

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Chunking through 2k barrier HP is still a massive pain in the backside though. Playing into Sigma-Rein even now is not okay and seems the main alternative to Rein Zarya.

So those suggestions don’t really fix anything.

Don’t ask me, ask Thanos! If I would know how to do it, i wouldn’t praise our lord and savior Thanos.

Few changes? One of them, Steadfast, effectively deleted one of the main ways of dealing with him through knockbacks.

People seem to like to paint that as a QOL change and don’t appreciate how much of a buff that actually was.

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At the behest of tank players iirc

If you look at Dive, Speedboost Rein, Speedboost DoubleOffTank. What do they all have in common?

They all want to get into a close range brawl as soon as possible when on Attack.

So the idea here isn’t to chunk through two full strength barriers.
It’s to speed past those barriers, in kick the teeth in on the vulnerable barrier tanks behind them.

Which is what people were starting to learn with the Reaper/Doom meta, where they wouldn’t even attempt to burn down the barriers, and would just move past them.

At the behest of Rein players. As a Hammond player, I could see it was not going to be okay.

Honestly, I think most tanks should have that passive. Only exception imo would be Ball who seems to need to be countered by cc/boop

I don’t think it’s healthy, it encourages the exact sort of bunkering I’m pushing back against in the OP.

Because that’s the type of gameplay the game has largely been built around. For Years.

And the amount of gameplay you’d need to rip out to accommodate for “every tank is a bruiser tank” might very well kill the game.

And it probably wouldn’t even increase the popularity of Tanks.

Yeah, It’s a buff. He also was nerfed as well.

I’d like to see other tanks receive buffs than keep nerfing them all round robin.

It wasn’t though.

Winston was never meant to do it, nor original D.Va or Defence Matrix 2.0 D.Va who was more main tanky.

Really it’s something that only set in during Goats and the Rein-Zarya domination of ladder there.

I can tell you one big way of making tanks more appealing: nerf Echo.

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He wasn’t nerfed nearly as proportionally as the others, he also got the walk speed buff.

For a loss of some barrier that he wouldn’t even notice the loss of once the fighting actually started and the strength of his barrier is in the toggle rather than the total HP.