Player titles locked and Comp rewards bug

Just adding to the bug reports for this one though I’m sure the devs are already aware.

Multiple player title bugs after the patch. The entire section of the player titles for competitive titles are locked.

Furthermore as others have already shared, I did not receive the correct comp rewards and did not receive the Masters role challenger comp title with the comp titles currently locked.

EDIT: My competitive titles are still locked after the update that “fixed” it. :slight_smile:

EDIT 2: Mid season patch and my comp titles are all still locked.

EDIT: Season 6 now and it is still locked. lmaoooo this is ridiculous.


The ‘No Title’ option has been locked for over a month now. Blizzard definitely knows this is a bug but won’t fix it to encourage more players to use titles.

It’s not helped by the fact they give you only one ranked title based on your highest rank, so if you were GM on all roles but played Open Queue (Since Top500 was minimum Master 2) you’d only get the Open Challenger title.


There is clearly separate challenges that show you unlock role vs open title separately. I believe the bug is that it is only unlocking open queue title, regardless of rank. at least that is what happened to me. GM on role, completed the title challenge, got the 1500 comp points, but the only title I got was my open queue title, which I was only Plat.

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I never set a title. I dont want one. Now suddenly, a title got force selected and the no title option is locked. Please fix this.


I got the correct comp points but the tittles didn’t work for me, and a bunch of my friends all have the same issue so must be pretty common.

Got the deathmatch tittle yay… but not role or open que annoying as I finally got to masters in role que and gm in open, maybe having three different ranked titles effects it in some way idk

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I didn’t get any titles but I was top 500 support and only GM on open queue.

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I got my comp points but not my comp titles. I hit masters support and only got Adept Competitor title unlocked. why does this keep happening

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Bumping this because my competitive titles are still locked after the hotfix.


same here, Is anyone else getting the bug still?


It is still bugged. They are forcing titles on us because it seams its a funny joke to them.

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You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I’ve linked the competitive bugs megathread at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I put your thread under: End-Of-Season Competitive Rank And Rewards. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.


Bumping again. Mid-season patch and my titles are still locked.


For me fixed, equiped No Title immediately

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Yeah the “No Title” option definitely works now. My entire competitive title section is still locked though despite the hotfix resolving that issue two weeks ago. So that’s disappointing.


Once again, end-of-season competitive rewards are bugged. How much longer will we have to wait for the Devs to acknowledge and fix this issue?

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Same for me, third season in a row that have problemas with my rewards, they fixed in season 3 and I got it right a few weaks later. Never got the rewards for season 4, even after they said it was fixed. And now again, I did not get my season 5 rewards, getting tired of this game


I’m having the same issue! Didn’t get the reward from season 4, even after the patch notes that was supposed do fix it. And now, the end of season 5, same issue, no rewards at all.
So disrespectful with it’s clients.


Yep. Unlocking a title is INCREDIBLY luck-dependent as to whether it will bug out or not currently. It doesn’t seem like it should be complicated at all, but I’ve only received maybe 2 seasons’ worth of my related rank titles so far (M/GM/t500). So I’ve just decided to wear my main role title of Medic since the seasonal ones are so difficult to program or whatever.

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Firstly, at the end of season 4 ,I was in Top 500 with visual proof, and then when the Season 5 Update came out with my placement, it placed me Diamond.

Secondly, at the end of Season 5 I had my “Diamond Role Challenger” title equipped, but again, once the new season came out a few days ago, I opened the game and went to equip my Diamond Role Challenger title but it says that it’s now locked and I don’t own it (WHICH I DO - since the game gave me Diamond INSTEAD of Top 500).

Admittedly, I want the Top 500 title that I should have gotten 2 seasons ago OR at very least at least give me my Diamond Title back???


I have previously completed the competitive challenge “Deathmatch Season 4 End: Platinum” and earned the Player Title: Platinum Exterminator". I was able to use this until the next season and since then… it has remained locked, even though my progress still reflects my progress completion.

I think that falls into all of this mess as well :frowning: it was fun for brief time I was able to use it.

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