Player that is currently winning question

I don’t see anything in the lists that refer to the current winning or losing player (score wise). I want to nerf the current winning player and buff the current losing player.

Is such a thing built in or I need to code it?

Sorry I am new at this.

For which mode in particular? FFA or Team-based or unified for any? Team-based is much more easier since you need just to compare the team scores, question then is should buff/debuff a specific player in that team or just in common sense affect all players of the team? In FFA you need to work with Filtered and Sorted Arrays in relation to each Players Score.

Damn; I was hopping it was a drop down. :frowning:

And its for FFA. Any chance you now of a game code I could use to get the code?

To get the players with the highest and lowest scores you can use this method:

- set global variable(lowestScore, sorted array(all players(all teams), score of(current array element)))
- set global variable(highestScore, filtered array(all players(all teams), compare(score of(current array element), ==, score of(last of(global variable(lowestScore))))))
- set global variable(lowestScore, filtered array(all players(all teams), compare(score of(current array element), ==, score of(first of(global variable(lowestScore))))))

The global variables “lowestScore” and “highestScore” (just a name, you can use variable A and B aswell) contain arrays with the players with the lowest/highest score now, so you can execute any actions you want on them.

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