Player Stopped/Started rapid notifications

I’ve noticed with friends I have on my list from EU will constantly cause these notifications to appear in match chat

They are a PC player, as am I, and these messages all happen at the same time, not one-by-one. The name I blocked out is the same user. This happened three separate times; they are not logging in and out, nor appearing offline/online. It’s just…random. Even if they are not spectating. Even if they aren’t doing anything in OW, these notifications appear randomly.

It’s been caused by multiple friends I have from EU while I am on NA Servers, and only occurs since the crossplay was implemented…

Is anyone else experiencing this?

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Yes, talked about it in Opening/closing game being spammed to friends

I also am experiencing the same issue and it is bothering me and my friends!

I hope you fix this ASAP!

Bumping this.

I’ve had to remove 2 friends because theirs kept spamming every minute with 4+ “X has stopped/started Overwatch” notifications…

Any timeline on a fix?