Player Stats still missing

They haven’t lost the stats. If you request a copy of your player data via the data request form, you can see that you still have all the data attributed to your account. I did this and I had stats going all the way back to when I started playing in season 26 Overwatch 1.

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Seconding Snakebite, you can actually request Blizzard to send you your player data through the Blizzard support page. Tutorial here: Reddit - Dive into anything . It’s a shame and a disgrace this data is no longer viewable from within the game client itself, but I hope the fact it is just hidden and not deleted brings some solace.

And of course, any help in spreading the word about this issue through bumping up other threads like this one is greatly appreciated. You can find an entire list of such posts under the subcategory Competitive Career Statistics Page of this megathread: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs.

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Azdyph, when I grifted through the stats and did a rough totalling, I’d played around ~5000 comp games. My career profile shows ~2750

And thats without quick play games. Its hurts to have the perception of 2,250 games worth of data/stats lost/missing on your profile! I didnt even realise my problem was that bad tbh.

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Agreed, there are hundreds of thousands of players whose player data is still incorrectly displayed. And yet that is considered mild considering there are hundreds of thousands of players who had gotten their accounts completely wiped with the launch of Overwatch 2 and who have no way of getting them back…

My stats are still whack… I had 1200 hours on widow and it’s still not back to that. I’m at like 138. It’s literally all my stats, even my playtime. I have well over 3K hours and it says I have 800 lmao. Are they ever gonna fix it? Cause I’m not putting my career profile public until they do. It’s actually pretty infuriating at this point.


Good news: Aaron Keller officially acknowledged the career profile bugs in a recent twitter reply, saying that they’re hoping to have a fix in for this in the mid season release in early September.

Link here:

Link to the competitive bugs megathread for anyone experiencing issues with their competitive career profile as well: The Competitive Bugs Megathread.


But there’s no mentioning of the competitive rewards bug yet anywhere on Twitter? :sob:

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Officially, no there is no mention of the competitive rewards bugs on Twitter. However, there is a significant possibility that fixing career profile statistics will also fix end-of-season ranks, and in turn, end-of-season rewards. But of course, only time will tell, so we might as well continue bringing attention to this issue while we wait and hope it gets fixed.


Over a YEAR and a month with STILL NO FIX TO PROFILES! Aaron even tweeted that they were “trying to get a fix out mid September” well it’s November 2023 already and I still have zero faith in ever getting my old stats restored

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I miss my ow1 stats all my hrs and statistics from 2016 to the end of ow1 just gone blizzard why is this wait so long?

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Any update? I still have thousands of hours of missing data. If you can’t fix it, just say. Don’t keep us hanging.


+1 for this comment!!


HELLO??? When is this going to get fixed?

If the answer is “NEVER!”, then please let us now. I can’t believe how awful Blizzard are when it comes to comms.


Can confirm it’s still an issue for me, my survey group, and others polled.

So I have noticed a few things.
1 - My QP stats got reinstated.
2 - My arcade hours have been stuck on 41 hours for approximately 2 years, even though I do play a bit of arcade (I tested this by playing an hour and my lifetime stats nor my arcade time ever had a single digit added (including games played)
3 - they have removed the “career profile not right…” item from the last known issues list.

Number 3… eek. It still COMPLETELY buggers your profile if you play comp on multiple platforms. And arcade time is not tracking at all for me…
So I dont think for one second you can call the stat tracking issues ‘fixed’

Is this still broken?.. Can we not just reset the pools and make sure the pc and console pools align to the device used?

Would this be fixed if we were to unlink and then re-link our 3rd party connections to our 3rd party devices… This would be ok if the cool down period was not 1 YEAR.

I’ve lost so many hours of gameplay, that I’m about to stop playing this game… I’ve already opened 3 tickets and nothing has been resolved, 4 years of gaming thrown in the trash.

I also left my profile private because of this, how disheartening :frowning:

my career profile is still not reflecting proper games or time stats.