Player icon on forum doesn't update

This doesn’t work anymore, can’t believe they messed the thing we took a while back then to figure out. The forums used to be their own entities and have a seperate “log out”. There are no more “log out” on forums, it’s tied to your PlayOverwatch only. So the forums won’t log out entirely.

I’m going to check if I can figure it out myself rn.


I would love to be able to update my icon, I’m definitely past my Widow phase and would love to get rid of this grapple hook icon :weary:.


It is not working since normally you would have to log out and log back in to get the new icon, but like many stated. It is bugged.

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So I’m checking right now, the “log out” button seems to really have 2 different links on both, but for some reason the top bar seems to be tied together? Maybe that’s the reason?

The Log out on PlayOverwatch has this link tied to it :

The Log out on Forums has this link tied to it :

The link for PlayOverwatch actually logs you out without any error 404s, the one from forums seems to bug out entirely, but it eventually logs you out if you reload, but something’s off about that.

It’s 100% on them here, I don’t think we currently can fix it by ourselves by doing any tricks.


Same, I changed mine to invis Cass but it didn’t update lol

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along with breaking players ability to select server

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Replying to confirm the above quotes… this seems to be an “unofficially known” issue (encountered, observed and reported by multiple players, but not acknowledged on the official “Known Issues” topic.) And, replying to consolidate links for reference… the symptoms have changed slightly over time, as noted in this topic:

But, as of this post, this issue unfortunately is still present and impacting players (myself included).

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I can confirm that my player icon still hasn’t changed. I think what has happened is that the forums are still somehow connected to OW1 and the forums haven’t been completely updated which is why the icons can’t be changed.

Like for instance the links for player profiles has changed since OW2 using the ones found on the forum doesn’t redirect you to the correct place. What you have to do if you want to see the players profile (their rank for instance) you have to manually change the link a little.

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I’ve been stuck as the same icon for a full year at this point :new_moon_with_face:


Not every icon from in game is implemented on forums…

I think the newer ones are mostly not implemented.

I’ve changed numerous times over the year — as others have in the thread — and they’ve all exclusively been old OW1 icons, it’s just bugged! I even have the same one you have here, in game, at the moment.


Did you relogged on forums and cleared cookies?

It worked for me last time.

Can’t log out of the forums anymore, as per this post here:

The new “log out” only logs me out of my PlayOverwatch account, and the old “log out” ends in a 404 error page. It’s a year old bug so I’ve certainly logged in, and out, and on different devices before. It just doesn’t work anymore! Maybe it only affects some users, but yeah I’ve tried everything on numerous occassions.


Can’t be “year old” since I changed my icon around a year ago on forums…

Just because you’re not affected by it doesn’t mean it’s not a year old! My icon is from November 2022, so rounding up by 2 weeks, it’s a year old for me!

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I am affected… I tried to log out and I couldn’t…

All I am saying that I did ti around December 2022…

I’ve only switched between older OW1 icons but now over a year I’m still stuck with the same icon. It was first when OW2 launched that this bug appeared. In OW1 I had no issues at all changing icons and it updating on the forums.

I believe the issue is that the forums never were truly updated in the code when OW2 launched. Which is why changing icons doesn’t work since the code is still coded to OW1 that doesn’t exist anymore.

Mine hasn’t changed since las Christmas :joy:

Might be the case. But some of them did work in ow2. At this point this is so minor of an issue that I don’t really care that much (-;

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Have you tried changing your icon since OW2 launch? It still doesn’t work for me on the forums. It only updates on the “PlayOverwatch” website.