Continuing the discussion from [Player Behavior in Overwatch]:
Mr. Mercer, there is a major problem with this… ACCURATE reports are the best way for community behavior to be improved. BUT, your report system is punishing for INACCURATE ones. Players report one tricks and off meta mains for gameplay sabotage and say they’re throwing or feeding when they’re doing NO SUCH THING. Even Jeff Kaplan did an interview and said one tricking is not punishable. The report system itself says unwillingness to switch or poor performance is not gameplay sabotage. Yet, players who lose a game and blame a widowmaker, a torbjorn… etc… are still getting their reports processed. This needs to be fixed.
What happened to the promise Blizzard made with the report system to validate the reports first and to punish those who are falsly reporting? I want to start playing again but if I get banned for something I didn’t do then there will be a huge problem. Blizzard needs to be held accountable for a lack of proper oversight.
I don’t know but the system seems much more automated. I’m a widow main and I go through periods of time where my aim just disappears. Sometimes my accuracy is 60% + sometimes it just drops below 40. Usually has to do with bad weather. (When my sinuses are messed up, i lose my aim). But that doesn’t mean i’m trying to lose.