Thread closed, let’s move here?
Permanent bans have a place but I’d sincerely hope the most severe repeat offenders are judged by actual people and not a system.
Thread closed, let’s move here?
Permanent bans have a place but I’d sincerely hope the most severe repeat offenders are judged by actual people and not a system.
ok but can u add inactivity timer
More avoid slots for a shorter duration would be nice. It’s pretty ineffective in gold or platinum due to the number of players you can match up with. I’m sure it works wonders in the higher ranks where there’s fewer players though.
Hopefully these ‘new social features’ that are coming in the Summer will actually benefit the low-mid ranks a bit more this time.
we’re treading the line of “discussing diciplinary actions” here, which is violation of the forums Code of Conduct… so i wont be surprised if this post gets locked/deleted
I can see that, but these aren’t discussing specific user’s punishment. Just general changes to the system. It’s at least somewhat important we be able to lay down some feedback on the direction they’re taking these systems.
Based off of people reactions I think some people missed something that could be big. Re-read the last paragraph and see if you can see what I think could be pretty big.
I typed a long response about the concern I still have for players still getting reported and banned for their hero choices, but then the topic was closed and I couldn’t reply.
I don’t think these bans should be auto bans done by the system, I seriously feel they should be looked into and the decision to ban or not should be manual. It doesn’t seem fair to me that these hero mains are still getting banned just because they played Sym/Torb/etc. I like playing a lot of Hanzo but I’ve never been reported (that I know of) I’ve played a lot of Sym and Torb at times too, but my teammates never complained. But then there’s times that a teammate would go one of those heroes and other teammates would immediately start flaming them and report them at the end of the match for “throwing” even though they tried their hardest to win. Yes a different hero would have been better but they were trying their hardest to win with the hero they’re most comfortable with. Now that player is probably going to get banned or suspended because a bunch of people reported them for playing Torb. I really don’t see how it’s fair. I’d love for more work to go into this part of the report system. It shouldn’t all just be auto bans.
(edit- fixed a typo)
I don’t know what can be done. People spew massive toxicity in voice chat and think they can get away with it because you can’t right click report/no proof
CoC discussing disciplinary actions refer to "discussing disciplinary actions (that have been taken against/) of certain self / Another player, thread or account penalty. This thread is just feedback of the upcoming changes for both reporting system and increased penalties. It should be fine.
Edit: However I believe the upcoming changes for the reporting system and the increased penalties are a step in the right direction, I am sure blizzard will find a way to sanction those that bypass account suspensions with just a “2nd/3rd Account and so on”
I guess they didn’t like our replies
I like the getting feedback about our reports helping, but I do have concerns for the “machine ban” system coupled with perma bans possibly.
I have these concerns too. When I’m in game and someone picks these heroes, I prepare for the worst in terms of toxic chat. I try to refocus teammates away from the subject, and I also like to compliment those who make important plays so they stay positive.
I hope that don’t get reported for defending their choice in order to better my team’s teamwork.
I feel like I’m always the only one on my team willing to work around those hero choices. There’s a Hanzo; I’ll go Zarya to combo. There’s a Torb; I’ll go Orisa to defend him. Sym; I stick with DVA and fly to her when she needs help. I constantly see people use the argument against these mains saying “it’s a team game work with the team” if it’s a team game and this person feels like they’re best on Hanzo/Sym/Torb/Bastion/etc and you don’t work around them your just a guilty at contributing to the loss especially if you flame them all game. I get it EdgeLord19 (lol made up name sorry to anyone if this is your user) you’re a Hog main, but we have a Soldier and Torb main on our team. Orisa or Rein would work better with this.
No one is ever willing to work with their team when it comes to off meta picks. If you work with it, you’ll make it work.
That’s the way I feel as well…
lmao and they deleted all the comments too, shocker!
Remember all the times when one-tricks came on to complain that they were banned for one-tricking and got a blue-post reply saying “hey you were toxic in chat so you stay banned” ???
Neat how the TOS has been altered so that finally makes sense!
Reports people for dropping N-bomb+ hard R in racialy charged slurrs
… still waiting for that game response…
Mr. Mercer,
There is a huge problem with this… ACCURATE reports work, but there are too many players filing inaccurate reports, and your report system is punishing when these inaccurate reports come in. Players report one tricks and off meta mains for gameplay sabotage and say they’re throwing or feeding when they’re doing NO SUCH THING. Even Jeff Kaplan did an interview and said one tricking is not punishable. The report system itself says unwillingness to switch or poor performance is not gameplay sabotage. Yet, players who lose a game and blame a widowmaker, a torbjorn… etc… are still getting their reports processed. This needs to be fixed.
I mean if we have to be honest then lets talk real. People probably get mad in this game because of balance issues. The balance team has no idea what balance is. We have heroes like Moira and Brigitte that rape everyone and Doomfist force fists everyone with one button… That’s one reason I believe people get toxic.
Yes, but the fact is they’re reporting other players for things they shouldn’t be. OW Devs should be stopping this.
You’re not describing balance, you’re describing an overreaction to heroes some players don’t like. Not all players, some.
Brigitte does need balancing, Moira fills a specific purpose and Doomfist is only just now rising to functionality. We’ll have to see where the meta and the devs go.
Emotional Opinion:
Brigitte is utterly annihilating this game and the devs should be stripped of their jobs. Moira is absolute cancer and Doomfist should be deleted because this is an FPS.
The core difference is that the former is how actual balance discussion could go, the latter are players who will eventually be removed from the game if they can’t resist abusing others in matches. Balance can still be heated, but the depths I’ve seen some players sink over Brigitte tells me they should’ve taken a break long ago. That’s not Blizzard’s problem, that’s their lack of self control.
The only way Blizzard might have failed in reducing toxicity is by improving the structure of competitive and its queues, and having a robust report system from the get go. We already know from their post that they’re working on at least getting the report system improved and adding more power to the Avoid Player function.
Beyond that I sincerely believe players who can’t handle heroes that stray further from the mold of FPS than closer are better off not sticking around. This is an FPS/RPG/MOBA hybrid, whatever term you want to mix it with. There will be aspects you can expect from an FPS, but there’s also room for heroes you definitely wouldn’t see in a traditional FPS. I do think the cc creep is an issue, but removing those abilities and heroes from the game outright means you’re not ready for what this game is going to be down the line.
It is no excuse to be toxic, and it will be punished accordingly.