Played against 6-stack that wanted to get banned

This group of 6 was not only obviously throwing but also typing the most degenerate things they could come up with in chat (describing their incestous relations in detail).
It looked asif they were trying to get banned.
More and more I see people mocking the report system and anti-toxicity measures.
Will these people risk getting perma-banned?
or are the punishments just not tough enough?

Well, if it was over the Free Weekend, it is not surprising that there would be trolls out there.

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No it was today and in competitive mode.
Also one guy had an open profile season high was 2500 and playing now at around 1600.

Do report them. Even if they are a 6-stack, throwing a match is NOT okay and being abusive in chat is NOT okay.

Please understand, that Blizzard cannot reveal details about reports they receive or the actions they take. However your reports really do mean a lot to Blizzard and will help make sure they remove such players who are deliberately tanking their rating.

Also remember to report LFG listings offering to throw games.

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Yeah, then definitely goons. Hit the report button and if you have screencaps of the conversation, use them.

To me, the inappropriate talk about incest is even worse than throwing. That should be discouraged especially since we have children playing this game.

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Yea i reported all them for Abusive chat and Inactivity and asked my team to do the same.
I understand Blizz don’t want to reveal inner workings of the report system but I would really like to know what punishments could be.
like I dont feel like wasting my time with the report system if they just get temporary silenced or a couple hour ban.

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When action is taken, you will receive a message from Blizzard either in game and/or via email. I have received a message in game thanking me for reporting a goon who use the F-word as his nick in game.

It depends on the severity of the ban and any previous account action history. If this is the first violation, I suspect they will be suspended for a small amount of time. However repeated violations can quickly escalate all the way up to a BattleNet account termination.

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That’s good to know thanks.
I guess I’ll keep reporting then.
Also does it help to type anything in the feedback box?
I heard it’s mostly automated anyway so I never bother to.

Report those morons and hope for the best.

And jelly will be hoping with you😁


Yes, please give a detailed description where applicable. Usually most of my reports are for abusive chat so I often identify where that abusive chat is seen or heard. Here are good descriptions to use.

  • Use of inappropriate expletives in match text chat.
  • Use of racial expletives in team text chat.
  • Aggressive chat and nonconstructive criticism of fellow teammates in team voice chat.
  • Spamming the Junkrat “Brinnggggg!” voice line in game throughout the match.
  • Player deliberately jumps off the cliff in the match. Did not make an attempt to engage in the battle.
  • Used Mei’s Ice Wall ability to impair our ability to leave the spawn room.
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I would like to screencap next time something like this happens.
but what do I with those screenshots. If I post them on here that would be witchhunting wouldn’t it?

I sometimes wonder if people get reported on purpose simply to claim they were suspended for play x hero, and how Blizzard is listening to false reports. Makes you think.

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there were at least a widow, a symmetra and a sombra can’t remember the others but that maybe true.

Correct posting here on the forums is not permitted per the forum Code-of-Conduct, and screenshots are not often considered for many report clauses as images can be easily manipulated.

If you ever encounter anyone using hacks or exploits, try to record gameplay video of it in action or capture and export highlights (press F10, F11, or F12 in game). Then you can forward that video (by uploading in a unlisted YouTube video and copying the link) to for review, but do not use that e-mail to report non-cheating violations.

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alright I learned a lot today.
Thanks for all the info!

No problem. And as always, play nice, play fair!

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yeah I seem to remember now there was also a torbjorn. Widowmaker, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Sombra so it seems like your suspicions may very well be correct.