Plat is awful to play in

you know what worse the tanks are bad but they refuse to believe the do anything and if you say something they will throw

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Tanks are the problem in any rank, they can do so much, but nobody knows how to play it. Masters tanks are the same story, just a bit of a skill difference.

….yeah…alittle insensitive word choice there friend.

The title was edited lmao

Play a generalist dps hero such as S76 or a carry such as Tracer and you’ll win 70%+ of your matches. It’s even easier with a pocket.

You need to expect your team to be useless and adapt your play to that. Don’t play like you’re in masters.

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I play support so my best bet is to play Bap

Ana works great too.

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Yeah I know.

My Top 4 is Mercy, Brig, Ana and Bap