Place your bets on Mercy's next nerf

First one sounds fine :woman_shrugging:

Hence your statemnt “ou’ll gather more bee’s with honey then vineager” dosen’t apply to these forums as the only way to stay at the top and likely to be seen is to drum up some vitriol, either that or die in 15 minutes as what literally just happened with a post that wasn’t even just about Mercy


Your notoriety doesn’t matter; if you want a reply from Blizzard, the saying goes.
There’s only one or two rude-ish threads that have gotten Blizzard replies that I can think of, and they were nowhere on the same scale of demeaning that I see from these threads.

Except you’re missing the point. We don’t want an OP Mercy, and we don’t want a boring, soulless Rez-bot either.

The rework ruined everything about Mercy, and rather than fixing the problem and making Resurrect Mercy’s ult again, they instead blatantly ignored feedback from Mercy players, and nerfed just about every part of Mercy’s new kit, while keeping Rez on a static cooldown. Y’know, the thing that made her an OP must-pick in the first place.

They’re just too damn arrogant. We might see nerf 20 in a few months. :/ As long as Mercy has Rez on a static cooldown, she’ll always be a must-pick.


Well it’s either thi or let the threads die off in under 20 minutes and never get seen, and then the only way to let it be seen is to SPam threads over and over again which is obviously against the rules

So yes making discontentment known is the only real way to even have a chance of getting through to these devs and try to pierce the viel of their pride in this “Successful rework”


Anyways I see someone called for people on YouTube to spam the megathread while it was opened with a dev quote to mock them so that’s cute, dead thread or not. That’s also sure to garner a response of what y’all want to hear

If you think it’s hopeless then why are you stil commenting, let disgruntled players who’ve watched their hero get gutted of all fun vent.



DPS main here.
I had no problem with Mercy not requiring aiming. I actually prefer it that way because I have tendonitis due to an autoimmune disorder. Sometimes I can’t aim, but I also want to play Overwatch still. She’s my go-to for those moments.

I had a problem with Mercy being required to win. I had a problem with No-Mercy-No-Win. I had a problem with her outshining other healers and them not having a chance at being viable. I had a problem with her being combined with another healer to create healing that would out-do a lot of hero’s damages, making them obsolete.

I never screamed. I tried to have a reasonable conversation about why it’s a problem, and why the developers will never revert her. But I was the one screamed at.

So, I would appreciate you not using us as a scapegoat. It’s not fair. I never did that to you - don’t do it to me. :confused:


I never said that. Also because I have my own opinions on mercy spam and her balance. I play her plenty

Well then you’ve got a stronger stomach then me, I can’t birng myself to waste my time for gaming on playing a so called “Hero” who’s only purpose in this game is to be a sidekick, not the cool RIchard Grayson sidekick who gets their time to shine but the bumbling Jason Todd Pre Red Hood who’s just a nuisance to the team requiring babysitting.

Stop scapegoating DPS players for god’s sake. DPS had nothing to do with Mercy outshining all other supports before her HPS nerf.


The cries of the DPS and the high class DPS in particular is what got blizzzad so worked up that they rushed this rework and gave us this cancer in the first place though


thank you overwatch this days i can’t c mercy in my team :frowning:

Here’s a hint: nobody liked playing against Mass Rez. not just DPS mains.

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Here’s another hint
It was never a problem before inuln because dead healer
It also was not a problem that any self respecting dev would panic rework over like what we got.


Welcome to the internet, we don’t make smart moves, we make sarcasm and memes

Calling this topic a meme is a stretch, but it is petty, you’re right. Had me go and rewatch the petty song

Mercy mains are memed and made fun of everywhere in the community, mostly on threads like this.


It was still a game breaking ultimate. Doesn’t matter if it’s vuln or pre-vuln.

in PvP games,Rez is either useless or overpowered. I play Heroes of the Storm and there,Auriel’s Rez is never picked cause it’s just not worth it over her Crystal Aegis. The devs wanted to add Mass Rez to a recent hero’s kit,but they scrapped the idea for balance reasons.

Funnily enough,Mercy actually feels balanced now after the HPS nerf. And I really want this community to stop making Rez the core of her “fun”. If you only have fun with one ability in her whole kit,that’s a problem.


I hope she get more nerfs

The more nerfs mercy gets the more fun game gets.

Same deal for brigitte.