Pink Mercy Staff can be Equipped Separately

…Maybe we can hope to see similar treatment for other skins?

I would absolutely love to mix and match the weapons and gear to the other skins I have for a hero.

Hears hoping they don’t gouge us for it.

Fat chance, I know.


I can see Blizz doing that for mythic skins because it would make players spend a lot more money on the shop for skins, coins, prisms, whatever.

So once revenue looks bad… “Hi look mythic weapons are now usable in any skin!!”

And guaranteed the mythic weapon alone would cost as much as the entire mythic skin itself.


Some skins are licensed like the cowboy beebop skins which I dont think those would be allowed to use parts else where. Its one of those grey areas but as for other skins this could world I just dont think I could ever see them doing it as it would be a pain to do. Blizz has gotten lazier lately

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It needs to be possible with every skin’s weapon, and dva separate from her mech.

I mean, everyone can have a golden gun, right?
surely it’s possible.

Depends on the implementation method. Either way, it doesn’t matter. It’s technically possible. It’s only a matter of Blizzard allowing us to do it.